Watch the first gameplay trailer of the Royal Battle Mode of Call of Duty Blackout – BGR


What Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 lack of solo content, it will be more than compensated in multiplayer modes. In addition to the standard competitive modes that have been in all Call of Duty game to date, Black Ops 4 will also have its own royal battle mode, taking a page of tastes from PUBG and Fortnite. The developer Treyarch revealed Blackout (his battle on the royal battle) in May, but we are starting to see him today.

Rather than building a new map from whole fabrics, Treyarch chose to take advantage of the most iconic Secret operations maps of all time and assemble them to create the largest map of Call of Duty history. There will be land, air and even maritime vehicles to requisition when players fight to be last to stand.

If you're wondering what all this will look like in action, do not ask yourself this anymore, as Activision and Treyarch shared the first Blackout Battle Mode gameplay trailer for Blackout on Thursday afternoon:

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 arrives for PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 12, but you will not have to wait so long to try Blackout yourself. Starting Monday, September 10th, Blackout's private beta will start exclusively on PS4 for all players who have pre-arranged the game. The beta will then be open to Xbox One players and members with early access to the version. PC beta on September 14, and all beta testing will end on September 17 at 10 am

Image Source: Activision

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