We made these alternative skins for the Overwatch Wrecking Ball so that Blizzard did not have to


Have fun with Photoshop

The New Hero Overwatch is sure to be a fan favorite. Wrecking Ball is already popular on the PTR, it's the adorably lethal hamster with a history of origin for ages. After escaping Richard Gere's colon, Hammond the hamster was taken to Horizon's lunar colony to be experienced because, in the space, no one can hear the absurdities of PETA. I'm experimenting on animals with cruel sounds, but this hamster should consider himself lucky that he does not end up with Avon from China.

These experiments will prove fruitful, giving Hammond a greater spirit than the combined intelligence of each Arizona State University. never class. He eventually escaped the lunar colony and became the first foreign creature that the Australian government did not try to murder the second one that it affected in the country. Using his incredible engineering skills, Hammond created the Wrecking Ball, the second most effective way to kill an Aussie after throwing a can of Fosters off a cliff and watching them run after the style Lemmings . a year to be teased, long enough for the memory of Toby and his mech costume to dispel the memory of the four people who played Battleborn Wrecking Ball will soon make its way to all Overwatch so that they can finally stop choosing Symmetra before me. Now, at Destructoid, we are curious to know what kind of alternative skins Blizzard has in store for his new hero. Will there be an ornament for Christmas? Or how about the Ball of Time's Square for the New Year? Hell, for the Chinese New Year, it can roll in the dumpling of Bao . It would be adorable and disturb the ignorance of the whites.

But really, Blizzard is probably too busy right now to fix what's not broken to focus on something as stupid as skins, so we thought we'd go with these appearance ideas to unlock for Wrecking Ball.

Wrecking Ball Wrecking Ball

Now that this one is away …

A Star Wars ]


If there is one thing that has been made clear in recent weeks, it is that everyone loves Star Wars . Not a complaint in sight about this franchise. In fact, some might say that it is more popular than ever. Overwatch is popular too, so why do not the two franchises join the skin of Droideka

Damn, is not this already Wrecking Ball? A robot that can roll, stop and shoot at its weapons and generate a shield? The only difference between the two is the Star Wars there is not a bit of Hamtaro inside, but when I receive 200 million dollars to remake The Phantom Threat time. Goodbye Jar Jar, hello 90 minutes of additional diplomatic negotiations

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Skin for Hammond

I recently moved to a new apartment and there is a lot of things that I like that. The location, air conditioning, high speed internet, swimming pool; all the good things. The only downside is my roommate could be terrible. At worst, he's just a guy who watches Info Wars every night. At worst, he could be a legitimate racist.

I have to work on my checking process, but the only thing we agree on is our deep love for the edible. This brings me back to my college years where, after doing all my homework like the student I was, my friends and I were let go with chownies and space for Aqua Teen Hunger Force . Adult Swim must bring back this shit because watching The Jellies while flamboyant is not even close to being the same. In addition, they should make Meatwad a skin for Wrecking Ball because they are both round and that's about the best idea I can find after shooting a handful of Cheeba Chews [19659007] Some Dumb Robot

Have you all met Torch? He threatened to shoot us with one of his space lasers if we did not refer to Momokapool. So it is for him and literally nobody else.

An Excuse to Watch "Bass to Bouth" Again

Wrecking Ball Traveled Far and Wide,
To Find His Way Off the Buttocks of Roadhog .
The road ahead … is full of danger and dread
But pushes on Wrecking Ball, with all your might.

Torbjorn's Turret
Do not forget to equip your shield or you'll be dead soon.
Wrecking Ball, Wrecking Ball the weather gets late
Take this second checkpoint or seal your fate.

One is sure that someone on Twitter has already done

I mean of course that Blizzard never happens to put Overwatch on Switch …

Slightly obscure Jake Gyllenhaal Reference

Did you know that someone made a music scene based Bubble Bo y ? This has nothing to do with this article, I just think it's funny that we're all against Hollywood and its lack of originality when Broadway is here with that.

Whatever Bubble Boy . It's a terrible movie fucking with non-Tobey Maguire and this girl who dies at the beginning of Rampage . In this one, Donnie Darko runs into a bubble for 90 minutes bouncing on shit because it's the best comedy that the writers of the films Despicable Me were able to produce. According to the gameplay I've seen from Wrecking Ball, this guy will bounce off walls, ceilings, other players and certainly payloads. Also, just like Hammond, Jack Twist here is totally adorable and I want to take him home and keep him in a cage and feed him pellets and …


[19659003] Welcome to … Junkerassic Park!

Oh shit, combine these two last ideas

Now it's a skin!

Thank you Eric Weichhart for putting these pictures together.

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