West Virginia partners with developers of "Fallout 76". to recreate a nuclear wasteland


Fallout 76, created by Bethesda, recreated much of the state of West Virginia, including post-apocalyptic versions of several historic sites. (WCHS / WVAH)

The West Virginia Department of Tourism has announced plans to bring video players to Mountain State with the help of "Fallout 76", which is expected to be released soon, and Bethesda developers.

Jeff Wamsley is the owner of the only museum in the world, Mothman, which is, along with dozens of other commodities from West Virginia, recreated in the nuclear version of West Virginia.

"You can not pay for this type of advertising," said Wamsley, "whether it's the Greenbrier, Camden Park, Braxton County, it will be great for the state in general."

The tourism department has announced a partnership with Bethesda to promote the game and actual venues to bring in people like Brian and Tammy Griffith, who visited the Mothman Museum on Friday, in the state.

"I really think it will attract attention and attract visitors," said Tammy.

The Griffiths were attracted to the museum because of a 2002 film, "The Mothman Prophecies", featuring the mythical beasts.

"Absolutely, the film, the exposure to the film, have brought our interest here," said Brian.

More than a movie, "Fallout 76" is expected to sell for tens of millions of copies and be read around the world.

Players will meet Mothman in the game, but his role has been shrouded in mystery, creating a buzz for the Mothman Museum.

"We've had a lot of people, especially since the Mothman Festival last month, just to tell us we're here because of the Fallout game," said Wamsley.

Mothman is not the only monster in West Virginia to appear in the game; he will also be joined by creatures like the Grafton Beast, the Greenbank Monster and many others.

The West Virginia Tourism Department will issue periodic updates on Fallout related tourist sites on its website.

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