When does Season 6 of Fortnite begin? Epic confirms the release date


Season 6 of Fortnite is almost here. After a lot of speculation – and a rather strange turn of events related to the mysterious purple cube that went around the island – Epic finally confirmed the beginning of the new season of his massively popular game, the Royal Battle, and this , very soon.

The developer announced on Twitter that season 6 will begin next Thursday, September 27th. It was assumed that the season would begin later this week, with Fortnite's official website stating that Season 5 will officially end on September 25th. a new season shortly after the end of the previous one. This, however, is the first time the developer has confirmed the start of Season 6, although he has not shared additional details beyond. Whatever the theme of season 6, or what kind of comet / rift style event will be launched, anyone is still guessing it.

It also makes it your last chance to take on the remaining challenges and unlock the rest of the Season 5 Battle Pass rewards. If you need help completing challenges, you can find tips for each round of weekly missions. in our full summary of the Fortnite Season 5 Challenge. We have also set up a gallery of all Season 5 Reward Galleries so you can see what you can unlock.

We still do not know what to expect from season 6, but strange events happened in the game. In August, a lightning strike hit the desert and left a mysterious purple cube in its wake, which fans had started to call affectionately "Kevin". The cube would react differently depending on how the players interacted with it; standing next to him would rejuvenate players' shields, but hitting them would cause them to back up and take damage.

Shortly after its materialization, the cube began rolling slowly around the Fortnite map. We did not know what the destination was, but last week, the cube plunged into Lake Loot and melted, much to the surprise of the fans. Not only did it make purple water, but now the whole lake has become a giant trampoline, boasting the same bouncy property as the cube. We do not know exactly how it all relates to season 6, but we will not have to wait any longer to find out.

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