Why and how Fallout 76 changes part of the story


Fallout 76 takes place before every other franchise game, featuring one of the safes control supposed to recolonize the surface after the disappearance of the radiological threat. This places it in a unique location that could lead to continuity errors with the existing gun. Bethesda's marketing director, Pete Hines, told GameSpot how the studio balances its storytelling needs with the story so far.

"Our developers take seriously things like tradition and cannon and if they do something, they will make sure that there is a real and defensible reason for that," he said. he declares. "We have proved with the Elder Scrolls games, we are ready to say:" Well, a lot of people will say that things have happened one way or another, "and the l & # 39; Inverse or something else could be quite true so it is undeniable that we came back to change things so that they match what the developers wanted to do and do not be indebted for anything that someone else did. one wrote 20 years ago, even in the franchises we created like Elder Scrolls.

He continued, "But that said, we do not take it lightly:" Ah, we'll just do what we want. "There has to be a process of reflection – what is the reason, why would it work logically nowadays, why would there be super mutants, or the Brotherhood of Steel? does this fit in? There are absolutely reasons and explanations for how this relates to Fallout 76. "

Bethesda had previously explained that, given the time period of Fallout 76, some factions like Raiders just do not make sense to the world. Instead, this type of enemy was filled by a new breed of semi-wild ghouls called the Scorched. In addition, some of the mutated enemies will be larger and stronger than we have seen before, because it is closer to the moment when the bombs fell.

We recently had some time playing with Fallout 76 and we left with a ton of new details, including what it feels like to blow up your friends. The beta will start later this month, so find out more about when you can join us.

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