Why does Kanye West follow 'Cyberpunk 2077 & # 39; on Twitter?


Kanye West cyberpunk 2077

Why does Kanye West follow CD Projekt Red? Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter? The answer is probably boring, but I can not help but wonder – again – why the hell is Kanye West following the official rhetoric Cyberpunk 2077 page on Twitter?

At first glance, this may seem like a non-story. And it could be. After all – by the time I write this, I can imagine all the most commented comments on social media about this article – who cares? Celebrities follow all kinds of people and pages, and that means nothing. But Kanye is a special case.

You see, not only does Kanye West follow only 18 other profiles, but one of the main trends of what follows is that it tends to only follow people, businesses and people. organizations with which it collaborates. Now, it seems incredibly unlikely – insisting incredibly and improbably – that he is collaborating in any way whatsoever.

CD Projekt Red is first and foremost located in Poland, away from Ye and his daily life. Second, why the hell would Kanye West and CD Projekt Red work together to Cyberpunk 2077? No, until proven otherwise, we should always assume that Kanye West and CD Projekt Red do not work together, no matter what, because why on earth would they be?

But if both partners do not work together, why does Kanye West follow them on Twitter? The game is not really a well-known quality outside the game circles and West does not follow any other video game-related pages (except for one streamerwho happens to be a big fan of the game).

The profiles that Kanye West follows are not random. Once again, he hardly follows anyone. So, is Kanye West just a fan of Cyberpunk 2077, and follows the page in a row? Well, he's also a big fan of Rick and Morty and do not follow this page, so this explanation does not seem very viable.

It is well established that Kanye is a player and that he even has some projects in preparation. I therefore thought that he might have seen the awesome demo of E3 2018. But that would not really explain why all of a sudden he has started following the page rather than coming back in the summer.

Kanye West said in the past that he was also following the people who inspired him, which is why he follows Emma Gonzalez and Candace Owens. Cyberpunk 2077 is a type of artistic inspiration for the artist?

If you follow Kanye's work, you'll know that he's obviously inspired by the Cyberpunk subgenus, which is not surprising given that Akira is one of his greatest creative inspirations, as well as Ghost in the shell. So, the idea that Kanye is hot on Cyberpunk 2077 would not be very surprising.

However, at this point, I look like a celebrity gossip tabloid writer deregulated with a detective jury, so I'm going to stop. But the question remains: why does Kanye West follow her Cyberpunk 2077 on Twitter (who did not return the favor with a follow-up)?

If anyone has an answer – there is someone else who cares – I would like to know. At the moment, it seems that Kanye is just happy to play Cyberpunk 2077And who can blame him. I think we are all.

Source: Ye's Twitter

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