Windows 10 1809 May Have Another File Deletion Bug


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Earlier this month, Microsoft removed the October 10 update of Windows 10 (version 1809) after discovering that a small number of users had suffered a catastrophic failure during the upgrade, the content of their folder Images, Videos and sometimes Documents being deleted. Here is how Microsoft describes this failure:

Before republishing the update of October 2018, our technical survey had revealed that a very small number of users had lost files during the October 2018 update. occurs if known folder redirection (KFR) has already been enabled, but the files remain in the location of the "old" original folder and are not moved to the new redirected location. KFR is the process of redirecting known folders from Windows, including Desktop, Documents, Images, Screenshots, Videos, Film, etc. from the default folder location, c: users username , to a new folder location.

In other words, if you create a new folder on a new drive to save space and have your device treat the "Documents" folder as D: rather than the default location C: , the operating system may erase everything. data left in your "old" file while leaving the new intact. This is a major problem if you do not have move all your data from the old Documents folder to the new one and had instead treated the old directory as an archive, while all new data was saved in a different location.

The new version of 1809, which has not yet been released to the general public, solves this problem. Unfortunately, he may have introduced new ones. Ghacks has rounded off a number of complaints that could indicate a problem with Microsoft's Unzip application, including reports that it would automatically replace all files in a directory with the same name as the files you are unzipping. without asking you if you want to replace them. as well as reports that the decompression may fail because you have files with the same name already in the directory.

There are reports on both types of behavior – file overwriting without prompting and silent failure on identical file names without updating – which makes it difficult to know if there are two different versions of the same bug, two different bugs or something else. This only seems to affect the decompression feature built into the File Explorer, not the function of third-party applications. If you use a utility such as WinZip, WinRAR or 7zip, you should not encounter any problems.


We had doubts about how Microsoft updated its operating system, which had fired a large part of its quality assurance team and reorganized itself around the idea that coders would test their own work and the rest would be sent back to Windows Insiders. But it has been proven that Windows Insiders was aware of this problem and reported it, and Microsoft did not follow it, apparently not realizing the seriousness of the problem. The central problem here is that Windows Insider versions are explicitly do not recommended as a daily driver, which means that most people tested do not do so in what would be considered a true production environment. They test via virtual machines or on secondary systems. I certainly would not put a Windows Insider version on my own daily machine.

When Microsoft deployed Windows 10, one of its primary goals was to eliminate the problem of people waiting for a service pack to be deployed before adopting the operating system. . I do not think this problem has been solved. There is more reason to stay with the stable version of Windows than ever before, and although Microsoft is certainly providing updates much faster, I have found little evidence that it provides them better.

Now read: The next major update of Windows 10 will allow you to uninstall the most integrated applications, Microsoft Promises comments changes after Windows data removal bug and stopping deployment of Windows 10 update of October of Microsoft

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