Windows 10 is finally the favorite operating system among Steam players


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Bill Roberson / Digital Trends

Despite its market share under Windows 7, Microsoft's Windows 10 operating system is the preferred OS of the players. The statistics released by the Valve online broadcast platform revealed that the 64-bit version of Windows 10 accounted for 60.62% of Steam's market share in August, an increase of 6.62% over the previous month. Microsoft's Windows operating system represents a combined market share of 96.44%. Valve's numbers show that Windows 10 is twice as popular as its nearest competitor, Windows 7, which has gained 30.93 percent market share for both the 32 and 64-bit versions of the operating system.

Only 2.87% of Steam players use MacOS and 0.59% of players play on a Linux system. The increased adoption of Windows 10 among gamers is probably fueled by the upgrade of newer systems with better hardware specs. The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card, for example, was the most popular graphics card among users, and the card has a 13.31% market share in Steam players. This represents an increase of 0.81% over the previous year. Other popular hardware configurations include a 1080p main display, quad-core processors, and systems with 8GB of RAM or higher.

The migration to Windows 10 has been slower for non-gamers – August statistics released by Net Applications revealed that Windows 10 was installed on 37.8% of all personal computers and held 43% of the market. On the other hand, Windows 7 represented a market share of 40.3% compared to all PCs and a market share of 45.9% compared to other Windows systems. ComputerWorld reports that analysts now predict that Windows 10 will supplant Windows 7 as the most popular operating system in the world. Combined, Windows accounted for 88.1% of the operating system market share, while MacOS held 9.17% of the market.

Although the adoption of Windows 10 has grown among players and non-gamers, businesses and businesses continue to stick to Windows 7. Support for Windows 7 will be completed in early 2020,

When Microsoft debuted on Windows 10, its aspirations were high. The company was aiming for one billion Windows 10 installations in the first three years. Microsoft announced this summer that it was shy, revealing that its operating system was installed on more than 700 million systems. Microsoft's numbers include a variety of devices, including convertibles, laptops, desktops, Xbox gaming consoles, Hololens, and even the now-defunct Windows 10 Mobile platform used on the brand's smartphone lineup. Lumia.

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