Windows 10 now warns users not to install Chrome or Firefox


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Since Microsoft started using Windows 10, the way the company "commercialized" the operating system has an unpleasant appearance. The Microsoft "Get Windows 10" tool has been designed to warn you when your computer has been approved to be upgraded and transformed over the course of a year into malware that has violated its own conventions and attempted to delay or avoid the upgrade. . In the end, even Microsoft admitted that it went too far in pushing people to switch to the OS.

But the thrust never really stopped. Windows 10 updates have reset the advertising preferences and other default settings. Microsoft has launched ads on the lock screen, ads in the File Explorer, ads shown when using Chrome and ads for Edge that appear in Windows 10. With almost every Windows 10 update asks you to use Windows 10. Now, with the October 2018 update, Microsoft introduces new methods for its operating system to ask you to officially use the Garbage browser. Browser as Edge.

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As notes, visit and download Chrome, and you are greeted with the above. There is absolutely no justification for that. Chrome is not a malware. There is no valid reason for Microsoft to be Warning about the download of Chrome, and the use of the word "warning" is the language of Redmond, not mine.

In addition, some of the default values ​​for the way applications are delivered to your computer have changed. Under Settings> Applications, you had the option "Allow applications from anywhere (default)", "Warn before installing applications outside the store" and "Allow apps from the store only" . The new options are "Disable Apps Recommendations", "Show Apps Recommendations (Default)", "Notify Me Before Installing Applications Outside the Store" and " Allow store apps only ».

Microsoft has changed the default value of "Let me install applications from anywhere," for "Show me application recommendations." warnings – that you may be using software that you intend to use.

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I use Edge every day. It acts as a "stock" browser – I do not have an add-on or extension installed and I use it for some email accounts and chat in Slack. This is the browser I use the least for general browsing, but at the same time, the browser that I delete and restart constantly due to inappropriate use of resources, a slow system response and general blockages .

In Chrome, if you set your search engine to Bing, then right-click on selected text in a web page, the right-click window asks if you want to search that text string in Bing. In Edge, if you perform the same action with Google as your default search engine, you can ask Bing. If you perform the same action with DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you can ask Bing. Then, instead of opening the new results in a window, you get a useless and badly formatted sidebar that you have to scroll down the page and then manually click to open it in a new window. There is no way to make it the default behavior. It is impossible to tell Edge that you want to use another search engine. Three years after its launch, Edge still feels like it's not over yet. Yes, it's effective. Yes, it can stream video with higher fidelity than other browsers. This might even deserve to be the first browser you reach when battery life is at its highest, but Microsoft's constant attempts to push me to a browser that works. less all the browsers in my system are annoying and intrusive.


Given that polite and hoping that Redmond would get the message, it obviously does not work, let me speak clearly. Microsoft is exactly how you drive your customers. Inventing new ways to allow you to annoy users is neither innovative nor useful. It does not encourage individuals to see Windows 10 as an operating system that they want to use.

You train your end users to expect each new version of Windows to spend time looking for settings to find all the things you've changed in a quiet way and close them again. This type of subterfuge encourages customers to consider the update process as fundamentally contradictory, as it forces us to spend time closing of rather than giving them a chance to function as expected. It encourages end users to believe the worst about your company's practices and behaviors. When Microsoft chose to make the Windows 10 upgrade advisor more aggressive and aggressive, it not only angered users, it even made users believe that MS wanted to use Windows 10 to collect and monetize data based on how individuals use their computers. If you wonder why people have such suspicions towards Microsoft, take a look in the mirror. It's because you taught them. You've taught them to hope that feature updates will include "features" that no one has requested and that must be turned off to restore a machine in the correct order, where "correct order" is defined as "My computer does not do not harass me to install software that I do not want, have not asked and will not use. "

Please applaud

We know that adoption of Microsoft Edge is bad. We know that no one is using the Microsoft Store. We know that you're testing new ways to improve discovery, and for the record, we hate Google for the same "You could use Chrome!" Messages when you visit Google on a browser other than Chrome. But that's the difference. Chrome is a browser. Windows 10 is the underlying operating system. Pushing your advertising hooks directly into the operating system and using them that way, it's as if the contractor who built your house constantly plastered your windows with advertisements for his home decorating business. It is invasive, intrusive, undesirable and you poison your consumer's goodwill tanks.

If you really care about the long-term health of the Windows ecosystem or the PC market, you will stop pursuing these hostile consumer attacks on the choice of users. It would be one thing if Edge was a great alternative to Firefox and Chrome. Instead, it's a great alternative to Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape Communicator 4. If this comparison seems unfair – and should be – maybe pay a little attention to why people are rather angry rather than asking for the third worst browser ever built. The question Microsoft should ask is, "Why are people talking about how our operating system was damaged by our latest update rather than improving it?

Stop the bullshit based advertising FUD. It belittles you and insults both your product and your users. We do not need your "warnings". Act like a Fortune 500 company and not like a whiny child.

Now read: Microsoft Explores New Services to Charge Monthly Office Fees

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