While we are delirious about how the Google Pixel 3XL is probably the best smartphone camera yet, yet only a few years away from this new device.
Discover now T-CUP, the fastest camera in the world, capable of taking pictures at 10 trillion frames per second!
Developed by Caltech researchers in the United States, T-CUP captures a particle of light – a photon – as it travels at the speed of light. And remember that the speed of light is the fastest thing known in our universe.
"We knew that by using only a femtosecond scanning camera, the quality of the image would be limited," says Professor Lihong Wang, Bren Professor of Medial Engineering and Electrical Engineering at Caltech and director of the laboratory's Caltech Optical Imaging (COIL), a Science Daily report.
So, in order to further enhance the prowess of the camera, Professor Wang has added another camera to take static views. This was then combined with the femtosecond scanning camera (which can take pictures at a quadrillion of a second) to be able to effectively capture "high quality images while recording ten trillion frames per second".
That is why this camera is so important because it can help us to study the dual nature of light – which is both a matter of waves and particles – in a very different way bigger than ever before.
It's really revolutionary, because this 10-trillion-pixel camera is not just about boasting. T-CUP can actually power a whole new generation of microscopes and artificial vision devices for biomedical and material scientific breakthroughs.
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