With Cloud Filestore, Google Cloud has a new storage option – TechCrunch


Google gives developers a new storage option in their cloud. Cloud Filestore, which will be launched in beta next month, essentially offers a fully cloud-based network storage (NAS) service. This means that organizations can now easily run applications that require a traditional file system interface on the Google Cloud Platform.

Traditionally, developers who wanted to access a standard file system on the type of object storage and database options that Google was already offering had to handle a file server with a persistent disk. Filestore removes all this and simply allows Google Cloud users to store storage as needed.

The promise of Filestore is that it offers high throughput, low latency and high IOPS. The service will be in two levels: premium and standard. The premium level will cost € 0.30 per GB per month and promises a throughput of 700 MB / s and 30,000 IOPS, regardless of storage capacity. Standard Filestore storage costs $ 0.20 per GB per month, but performance scales with capacity and does not achieve optimal performance until you have stored more than 10TB of data in Filestore .

Google launched Filestore at an event in Los Angeles focused primarily on the entertainment and media industry. There are many business applications in sectors that need a shared file system, but the same goes for many other industries that rely on applications. similar company.

The Filestore beta will be launched next month. Because it's still in beta, Google makes no promise of availability at the moment and there's no ETA for when the service will come out of the beta.

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