With the big finals of Overwatch League on us, the Blizzard experience is set for its greatest moment


In its inaugural season, Overwatch League has experienced solid growth throughout the 200+ games played since its debut. While Blizzard's esport experience has seen its share of ups and downs – resulting in unexpected changes, changes in the schedule, and some controversies surrounding the players – the success of the league has turned the Overwatch shooter into an event game. was a sight to behold. The tournament culminates in a battle between London Spitfire and Philadelphia Fusion fans' favorite teams. And with the intention of further developing next season, including two new teams in Paris and Guangzhou, as well as a major distribution contract with ESPN, the future looks bright for Overwatch League.

Spanning 27-28 July, the Grand Final will see the London Spitfire and Philadelphia Fusion competing in several games, with the champion crowned after a contest of two of the top three games. While the first day will only have one match, the second day of the Grand Final will decide the winner.

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While both teams are favorites, the best of the season have many challenges that almost prevented them from participating in the finals. The pre-season 2017 provided a good opportunity for the teams to gain a foothold before the official start of season 1. However, the Fusion has unfortunately missed out due to scheduling problems and clearances. visa for his list. When they debuted at the opening of season 1 in January, they had a particularly poor performance during stages 1 and 2. Eventually, the Fusion found its foot through a change of alignment and a strong performance of key players Georgii "Shadowburn" Gushcha, Joshua "Eqo" Corona, and Alberto "Nepturo" Gonzalez Molinillo. Currently, the Fusion has a record of 24 wins and 16 losses to its credit.

In the second half of the season, the London Spitfire has become one of the most popular teams in the league. With a good start in Stage 1, they quickly made themselves known as the team to watch. But after failing in the first week of Phase 4, the team's leadership made the surprising decision to remove four players from its active roster – Hyeon-woo "HaGoPeun" Jo, Jang-hyeon "TiZi" Hwang , Seung-hyun "WooHyaL" Sung, and Seong Dong-eun "Hooreg" Lee. The reason they said in a press release was to develop a smaller team of "championship caliber". Surprisingly enough, this allowed the team to regain the same buzz as during the pre-season, leading to memorable games against the Fusion, and rivals Spitfire, the Los Angeles Gladiators – that they were eliminated in the playoffs. . Like the Fusion, the Spitfire also has an identical match record of 24 wins and 16 losses.

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The London Spitfire owner, Jack Etienne, has been outspoken about the team's challenges during the season, including their important decision as to whether or not they are going to win. make changes to the list. The biggest challenge this season has been for me to understand that you can not put the top 12 players in a team and hope things go well, "he said. "The thing is, when six of these players will be on stage, the other six will not be happy to be saved, I've always believed that the teams that win the playoffs are the teams who are in the right rush When we were down, as after step 3 and we were not going well, and we were going to step 4 and we were not going to do it. "Let's not go well, and send the players home after – my players were miserable." That, "Hey, this collapse hurts, he's afraid to be here right now, but that's the moment, the best time, to understand what's wrong with us, and come back strong. "The other teams that had these setbacks later did not have time to fix it, we had time to fix what's wrong. "

" The Fusion in particular played against us, it's a really solid team, "he continued. "And thanks to our [earlier games] they are by far the best – we are the two best teams in the league, I have tremendous respect for them, and it's really good that things have unfolded." as they did in parentheses, because it would have been a real shame if we had to face the quarterfinals or semifinal, and if any of us had just lost against the other teams would have been nil, but the way things ended, with parentheses, [the League] ended with the two best teams, who peaked at the right time, to be here. "[19659182] No legend provided ” src=”https://static.gamespot.com/uploads/scale_super/1579/15792183/3419734-robert_paul-philadelphia_fusion_celebrate_%287-21-18%29.jpg” srcset=”https://static.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1579/15792183/3419734-robert_paul-philadelphia_fusion_celebrate_%287-21-18%29.jpg 5760w, https://static.gamespot.com/uploads/scale_super/1579/15792183/3419734-robert_paul-philadelphia_fusion_celebrate_%287-21-18%29.jpg 1280w, https://static.gamespot.com/uploads/scale_medium/1579/15792183/3419734-robert_paul-philadelphia_fusion_celebrate_%287-21-18%29.jpg 480w” sizes=”(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px” data-width=”1280″/>

With the Grand Finals, Overwatch League will take on the magnitude of the event. With the change of venue from Burbank's Blizzard Arena to Barclays Center, the increased range that Blizzard has planned for its last games will give viewers more ways to see the decisive games between Spitfire and Fusion. In addition to its online audience on Twitch and other streaming platforms, the league will also air on ESPN and Disney Channel in North America. The exposure of these last games of the season clearly shows that the bet that Blizzard took with the creation of his own league of esports will probably set the tone for its expansion in the coming seasons.

Jon Spector, OWL Director of Franchises and Competition, spoke about what he wanted to do with the reach of the league, and the goal of expanding even more. OWL hearing.

"We've always wanted our content to be as accessible to fans as possible," said Spector. "That means you can watch Overwatch League on Twitch, you can watch it on our site, you can watch it on the app, we do it now with the ESPN partnership, you can watch it on TV in some parts So I think that if you look at what excites us the most, for the ESPN / Disney relationship, is this ability to bring Overwatch League to a new group of fans that may not have already been Looked on Twitch, and that was not even a chance for ESPN to introduce the league to new fans, so I'm really excited about it but I think that reflects our basic strategy. We want the Overwatch league to be there. "

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Season 1 of Overwatch League has already been a solid start for the Blizzard Adventure in the territory of the United States. esports While more As more teams are drafted and more arenas are added, there is a greater sense that the league is just starting. For Blizzard, what makes the success of the Overwatch League is not just the design of the hero shooter itself, which focuses on a group of diverse and skilled people who form a team, but also on the passionate community. and an optimistic view of what the future could be, where people of all ages and all walks of life come together to find joy in something great. It 's something that people are naturally attracted to and are constantly looking for, and that' s what 's going to be the driving force behind the growth of Overwatch League.

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