Workshops: Battlefield V war stories make war a personal affair


Stories based on or inspired by the Second World War are not lacking. However, most seem to focus on the same, well-documented events. Countless movies, TV shows and video games focus on the invasion of Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge and the Pacific Theater. Battlefield V could easily walk on familiar terrain. Fortunately, the single-player mode of War Stories takes a different approach. Avoiding the epic and massive battles we all know, DICE takes the opportunity to tell more intimate and character-centered stories. Stories of War is a refreshing change of pace that helps to make Battlefield V a more poignant experience.

I was fortunate to use Battlefield V at an event hosted by EA last week. During my time, I played at the entirety of the prologue and Nordlys chapters. The prologue gives players a taste of each of the five stories, while Nordlys is its own autonomous narrative. Both chapters do a great job showing players that it's not the same old Battlefield they are used to.

The prologue makes a smooth transition between different fights and fights. One minute, you sneak out of the Nazis in the frozen nature of Norway, while the next minute, you are in France to defend yourself against dozens of soldiers. The prologue also has players flying a plane during a tense air engagement and even destroying allied tanks with a German King Tiger tank. You just have enough to open your appetite and get excited about what awaits you. As a fanatic of military FPS games, the prologue certainly drew my blood.

The Nordlys chapter is where I really clenched my teeth Battlefield V. This story takes place in 1943 in Norway, where the country is occupied by German forces. The players play the role of Solveig, member of the Norwegian resistance. His mission is to infiltrate a German-controlled factory to save his mother who has the information the Nazis need. What begins as a personal mission quickly turns into something with bigger implications for the whole war. I will not give in, but if Solveig fails, it could spell the end of Allied efforts to free Western Europe from the Nazis' iron fist.

With his gun and his loyal combat knife, Solveig excels at stealthily eliminating his enemies. If enemies spot it, they can call for reinforcements. Unless you're really good at shooter, you'll quickly feel overwhelmed. As I managed to get through most of the invisible demo, scripted moments forced me to repel the enemy hordes. Fortunately, shooting mechanics remains as accurate and precise as ever. At the end of the demo, I felt very comfortable killing enemies in the shadow or attacking them with guns.

Since Nordlys is set in an environment covered with snow and ice, you can travel with a pair of skis. This is a great way to cover long distances in a short period of time. When it comes to controls, it's intuitive to maneuver Solveig on steep mountain slopes. The only tricky part is to avoid trees and big rocks. In case of emergency, skis are also perfect for a quick escape. I emphasize the word fast because you are extremely vulnerable when skiing. Actually, it's a bit silly to have your character pushed by the Nazis on skis, but it's also very fun.

In addition to the captivating story and the tight shooting mechanisms, I was delighted to Battlefield VBeautiful graphics. I guess this is not surprising considering the brilliance of the series in the visual department. The Frostbite engine gave life to all environments with detailed textures and ambient lighting. What made things more impressive was that the construction I played was a work in progress. The final game should look better, which is shocking given the beauty of everything. I was playing on a high end PC, the graphics were of a breathtaking beauty. That said, I expect the game to look great even on the consoles. No matter which platform you choose to play on Battlefield V you will get a visual treat.

I applaud DICE for doing something unique in the kind of WWII. Over the years, we have seen so many titles that it is nice to have someone who gives a new twist to the situation. Not being a fighter fan of the military FPS, I am really interested in consulting the rest of War Stories by myself. I know most players will focus on the multiplayer mode, but for me, War Stories Battlefield V worth the price of entry.

Expect Battlefield V to be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 20th.

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