World of Warcraft 8.1 dated, next updates go to Nazjatar and Mechagon


Mechagon revealed to BlizzCon

After talking a bit about World of Warcraft 8.1 and World of Warcraft Classic Blizzard took the stage a few hours later during the conference "What's Next?"[for[for[pour[forSensational]panel to share a preview of the future Battle for Azeroth updates.

8.1 will engage us in a Zuldazar raid with Horde and Alliance perspectives (read: various leaders) a few weeks after the launch of the actual patch on December 11, as well as the Nazi kingdom of Nazjatar, culminating in a Boss battle with Azshara. We already knew all that, but Blizzard shared a new treat: Mechagon. Once all the aforementioned cases have been resolved, both factions will go to Mechagon with gnomes and goblins.

Some of the above comes in 8.1 and a part in 8.15 and beyond. The wait will be long, but I am more than enthusiastic about what will happen: the game is rather exciting at the moment and there are many changes to solve a lot of problems. Battle for Azerothgaps.

Smaller updates are also expected: the Brawler Guild receives a new round of murder quests, trades are expanded with new items and new quests, capital cities have portal rooms (which can be expanded with time), Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin are being remastered with an IA bot mode, zandalari trolls can be paladins and Kul Tiran humans can be shamans when they are implemented under the form of new allied races. BFA the zones make their debut in 8.2, the heroic Warfronts are in fashion (10+ players, more difficulty and better rewards), a walking crab mount is being implemented and character models put updated by Goblins / Worgens.

Finally, you can watch a new cinematic featuring a stuffed Tyrande and Malfurion, who launch into the dark side of the moon in 8.1 to take revenge on the Horde. This sign was packed!

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