World of Warcraft Classic Hands-On: Boring, but it's ok


Nostalgia can be a comfort. It can be fun. Yet nostalgia is not usually something that takes a lot of time. It's an old logo on a t-shirt, a movie you revisit once a year, a well-worn novel that never leaves your library. Part of the comfort of nostalgia comes from passive pleasure.

World of Warcraft Classic, however, is anything but passive. It's a recreation of World of Warcraft State shortly after launch, and this recreation requires a lot of players. Anyone looking to dive more than one moment will have to spend a little time doing some research. This includes active World of Warcraft players. The game has changed a lot since its original release and the familiar stuff you use today probably will not work. classical.

During my demo, the players in discussion discussed the fact that a quest, which asks you to kill bandits, takes 40 minutes. There is nothing else to this, notice. No history, no exploration, no stuff or mechanics. All you are asked to do is go into a mine and slowly kill your enemies until you have killed a satisfactory amount. Then go back and make it. Completed.

It's old school and that's a good reason why modern games try to make the quests look better or, if they can not do it, simply shorten them. classical boring. I almost enjoyed my first 15 minutes, but the tip of a smile on my face disappeared after the fifth time I turned around the same stupid and ugly face. Continuing on my way, I found myself doing what most bored MMO players do to pass the time. I've opened YouTube on another monitor.

I'm not surprised. That's what I expected from me. I played World of Warcraft at liberation and I remember how it was. I hoped all the same that my patience would be measured in hours and not in minutes.

Well, not everything is bad

Well. It's annoying. However, there are some highlights, and these are mostly modern things World of Warcraft the experience is lacking.

The demo spawned my gnome in the western march, where I immediately took some quests and opened my map. Modern World of Warcraft would indicate the location on the map but classical do not do it. Although it took me a short time to understand where I had to go (partly because I remembered), it has been a long time since I have even felt myself slightly lost in Azeroth. The design of the modern game certainly does not leave much mystery to the players.

Then there is the inexplicable joy of the talent tree. I understand why Blizzard finally eliminated them. Talent trees are meaningless in a game where players quickly find optimal choices. But what they offer is an illusion of personalization and choice that modern World of Warcraft miss It's a reminder that even today, more than 14 years after its release, Blizzard has not found a progression system that can do anything for everyone.

What I have most noticed is not a game mechanic, it's a mood. An atmosphere of peace, cold. World of Warcraft has become cold. Everything is constantly on fire and oh my god, you just saw the giant man stab the planet and the lady do the thing to the tree and the zappyboi say the words and and and … and this can be a little exhausting. Blizzard updates the modern game at such a pace that even veterans do not know everything and that players have to go to the bottom of fan sites like Wowhead to find old knowledge of a series of quests a few years old.

The classic is cool. Go kill bandits. You get some bandannas. Go gnaw a copper knot with your teeth. Or something. It does not matter. classical it's not going to change.

Visit, but do not stay

Which brings me back to my original complaint. It's annoying.

There is not much going on and what is happening is not interesting. Of course, you'll start telling the story and seeing more entertaining quests if you spend a lot of time playing games, but that's still the case. classical. It's not going anywhere, not even to an end-game credits screen. Finally, you will find yourself at the top of level 60 and, looking at this summit, you say, "Okay, okay. I guess that's all.

But I can forgive that. Blizzard says classical will be included in a World of Warcraft subscription, so it's not a separate title. It's a nostalgic ride that you can enjoy for a few minutes or until it's over, as you wish. World of Warcraft Classic is a distraction. It's a nice distraction. Do not just think it will be more, because you will surely be disappointed.

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