World of Warcraft Classic Release Date: Playable Demo TO COME on PC Drives?


World of Warcraft Classic Release Date: Good news for fans of WoW Vanilla


World of Warcraft Classic Release Date: Good news for fans of WoW Vanilla


(Pic: DS)

World of Warcraft Classic – Latest News

Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft Classic will appear, in a way, at the BlizzCon 2018.

"World of Warcraft Classic arrives on #BlizzCon!" the developer announced in a tweet.

"Try it at home or at BlizzCon when you buy the virtual ticket."

The wording seems to suggest that part of the game will be playable in one way or another at the show or at home – if you buy a virtual ticket for the conference.

You can read everything on BlizzCon and get a virtual ticket here.


(Pic: DS)

World of Warcraft Classic – Overview

Editor: Activision Blizzard
developer: Blizzard
Release Date: To confirm
Platform: PC
Kind: MMO

World of Warcraft Classic – What's That?

World of Warcraft Classic is a retro version of the very popular MMORPG that plans to give players a nostalgic solution from the moment the game has been most successful.

Blizzard has announced its vanilla server option for World of Warcraft at the 2017 BlizzCon, although we have not heard much about the project since then.

The goal of Classic is to allow players to experience World of Warcraft as close as possible to its release. Prior to the start of work on World of Warcraft: Classic, it was only possible for players to experience the original World of Warcraft using private servers, which are illegal and often have stability or corruption issues . (Source)

Until now, we know that the project relies heavily on community feedback and will be based on patch 1.12 of the original game.

World of Warcraft Classic – Release Date?

A former World of Warcraft developer lifted the lid when he thinks the classic version of the game will be available.

Former Blizzard World of Warcraft 3D designer Jonathan Staats explained in a recent interview that the game will be available by 2021.

"If Classic goes out … I'm guessing after 2021. MMOs are tough, they take a lot of time and testing," he noted in an AMA on the reddit ClassicWoW.

That seems like a pretty definite answer … does Staats possibly know something we do not know?


(Pic: DS)

World of Warcraft Classic – Gameplay

It seems that Blizzard's vanilla server for World of Warcraft will use original animations from the 2004 version of the game.

According to a job offer posted on the Blizzard site earlier this year, a software engineer (C ++) wants to modernize legacy animations and character models for modern settings.

"Do you want to go back to Azeroth before the mists of Pandaria break up and before Deathwing breaks the world?

"When the fog obscured the view in the distance and the weather had just been added? Do you have good memories of original character animations and spell effects? Can you help us restore this aspect of our modern engine? Then the World of Warcraft Classic Engineering team has an opportunity for you. "

Other tasks include: "restore old models and animations" and re-implement the "old shader behavior". The elements of the user interface should also have a retro look.


(Pic: DS)

World of Warcraft Classic – Development

Blizzard confirmed that although the game's development is still very early, it is being developed by a team separate from those working on the main World of Warcraft title.

Youtube channel Tradechat interviewed the director of the game (Ion Hazzikostas), who noted that World of Warcraft Classic is developed by Blizzard and the community and that this project requires a lot of feedback from players who know the game very well.

After that, Youtuber Jessie Cox conducted an interview with Blizzard at the Blizzcon 2018 on the server, where they confirmed that the development would work in tandem with the original game and that the two servers would work side by side.

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