World of Warcraft Classic will be launched next summer


The BlizzCon is in full swing this year and for those of us who remember the good days of vanilla World of Warcraft, reveal it that classical arrives next summer could not arrive at a better time. Now that the demo is playable, fans of the legendary MMORPG finally have a date to wait … somehow.

the World of Warcraft Classic The demo will be exclusively available to virtual ticket holders as early as Nov. 2 before its official launch in the summer of 2019. You can buy your ticket right here, it's not too late!

For those who remember the beginnings, we remember the 20-hour raids, the leveling madness, and some of the "crappy" side quests. For this reason, director Jeff Kaplan said that he was a little worried to see fans romancing the humble beginnings of World of Wacraft and urged them to wait for the return with an open and realistic state of mind:

"I think classic is a great idea.I have a great nostalgia for the game. I think people have to be careful what they think is magic compared to what it was actually, I do not think that what made the classic servers awesome C was crappy quests, I have the right to say it because I wrote them all.

I do not think it was my old rotten quests that were doing World of Warcraft awesome. What I thought was old World of Warcraft was the sense of community: there was no dungeon seeker. People do not know it, but the simultaneous access to the servers was much smaller than today, only because of a technology that we could not adapt to as many people on a server. When the game was launched for the first time, there was no server transfer, we had no server merge. I think that many systems have been put in place to make WoW a better game, which has helped to create a small community. People are going to be shocked at some of the things that were in classic WoW. Think about driving your griffin … you had to stop by clicking on each link. You can not go get a beer while you fly around the world.

I think this is a great lesson that applies to all games. The whole game design is a compromise. Often people see design decisions in black and white; it is true or false, you are stupid not to do that, and why you do not listen to us, it should be so. But it's actually full of subtlety and nuance in every design decision. I think it's less black and white than good or bad, people think mostly about what they earn. But what players really need to think about is asking for some changes to force them to give up. "

Although we do not have an exact date yet, Summer looks really good now and it's more than the usual placeholder for "soon" dates.

World of Warcraft is now available exclusively via

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