World of Warcraft patch 8.2 will take gamers to a steampunk city android gnome


During Blizzcon 2018, World of Warcraft's main game designer, Jeremy Feasel, unveiled details on Update 8.2, which will not arrive until 2019. Titled Rise of Azshara, this patch will see the # Alliance and the Horde juggle their interfacial conflicts also to deal with the rise of the Naga threat, led by Queen Azshara herself. Oh, and among all that, we'll make a little detour through a city full of steampunk android gnomes. Because that's Warcraft, after all.

Like any major World of Warcraft patch, Rise of Azshara will feature a multitude of new activities in the form of dungeons, quests, raids, island expeditions, and more. But what's doubly exciting about this patch is that players will also venture out two whole new areas. First, the players will travel to Nazjatar, the underwater capital of the Naga, even if it is not under water anymore. After Nazjatar, players will travel to Mechagon, the city of the aforementioned android gnomes.

In Nazjatar, players will meet new story quests as they head for the Eternal Palace, the venue of the next 8.2 raid. Here are several slides of the presentation that show more.

The area of ​​Nazjatar is beautiful, like a coral reef on the surface adorned with elven temples in ruins. But I am much more excited to explore Mechagon. This rusty and unpleasant area is home to mechagnomes that, although unconfirmed, I'm willing to bet that it will become a playable allied race at some point. It's an area full of "death robots" and a king who wants to replace every organ with robotics. All this sounds good.

Feasel explains that all this leads to WoW's second mega dungeon. Like Return to Karazhan, the new dungeon will feature eight bosses and will only be available in Mythic difficulty. This will take twice as long as a normal dungeon.

Here are some screenshots of Mechagon:

Of course, 8.2 will also pursue the main story of the faction war between the Alliance and the Horde. Jaina, Anduin, Sylvanas, Saurfang and all the main characters will appear in more quests telling the next chapter of the Battle for Azeroth story. Two new island expeditions, more legacy armor and a set of new loot and mounts will also be forthcoming.

Do not expect to play there soon. Rise of Azshara will arrive after 8.1.5 update, and this The fix will only arrive after patch 8.1, which will arrive on December 11th. Judging by the previous patch cycles, I would say that it is safe to expect Rise of Azshara to arrive in the summer of 2019.

Stay tuned because we will have a lot more Blizzcon coverage coming this weekend.

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