World of Warcraft's adventure on land forgotten in future updates


World of Warcraft is the MMORPG that will not die. It has grown after the update after the upgrade. What does Blizzard have in store for the next year of game content? In simple terms, all new content, including visits to lost land, has almost been forgotten.

World of Warcraft's recent expansion, Battle for Azeroth, saw the game return to what distinguished it: the eternal battle between the Alliance and the Horde. The new faces took on importance (especially the shaman Troll Zekhan, nicknamed Zappy Boi by the game), the intrigues were twisted and the sides were taken. And Blizzard goes one step further with this upcoming update, Tides of Vengeance. And then Blizzard will go a step further.

One of the best inclusions of Battle for Azeroth was the Allied races. No, not the races of the Alliance, the allied races; The new races that have joined the Alliance and the Horde have allowed players to earn the right to make characters after many trials and tribulations. Soon, players will win even more Allied races.

The first race, the Zandalari trolls, is a nature lover affiliated with the Horde who can become, among other classes, priests, druids, hunters and paladins. Not only are these trolls versatile, but they can also battle dinosaurs and their druids turn into dinosaurs, in case you thought they could not become more awesome.

As for the players of the Alliance, they have Kul Tiran Humans. Unlike ordinary humans, Kul Tiran's humans, to begin with, become shamans and druids. As Kul Tiran's humans ride classic horses, their druids will turn into plant and wood-based animals, perfect for players seeking a vaguely (and cliche) Celtic inspiration in World of Warcraft.

Players who want to revisit old dungeons have fulfilled their wish with Timewalking. Future updates will provide even more ancient classics. Not only will players be able to visit the Warlords of Draenor dungeons, but they will also receive new sick mounts.

But that's not all, not far. Blizzard has new skills in reserve for the professions of World of Warcraft. Ever wanted to repair your own armor? Blacksmiths can do it. What about the convening of a fight golem? Do-it-yourselfers get a new build. These skills will involve huge queues, but they are worth it for the new viability. Oh, and Arathi Basin is going to have a visual facelift and new optional opponents for AI. About time

Speaking of facelifts, goblins and worgens will soon be receiving new character models. These new models will slightly align these breeds with other breeds that have received model updates and make them much more expressive and visually coherent.

So, what can we expect after Tides of Vengeance? Nazjatar, the homeland of the Naga water race. The next expansion, Rise of Azshara, will allow players to reach this lost land and come face to face with the legendary Queen of Naza, Queen Azshara. Players will team up with water races such as Sea Giants and Murcoblins (an unusual hybrid of goblins and murlocs), face new foes and win new weapons and mounts, including a damn hippocampus. We do not know if Naga will ever join the list of allied races.

If visiting Nazjatar is not your style, you can still visit the ancient lost land of Gnomes: Mechagon. Cybernetic robots and gnomes, the Mechagnomes, will populate Mechagon; some will be allies, others enemies and no matter who players will try to help or kill, the players will always end up fighting the crazy king of the Mechagnomes, the Mechagon king, in a Megadungeon . What's a Megadungeon? A dungeon that doubles the length of an ordinary dungeon.

On the story side, players will be able to interact with many recurring faces and win new pieces of legacy armor, including Tauren and Gnomes. Oh, and players will come back to Warcraft 2 with islands like Crestfall.

When will all these updates arrive in World of Warcraft? When they will be ready. But they are just a taste of what's going to happen. Blizzard has a lot more content that only waits behind the scenes.

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