WTF? Microsoft now breaks Chrome and Firefox installations to promote Edge in Windows 10


Microsoft wants you to use its Edge browser in Windows 10. I mean, really, you want to use it. If you open Edge and search for "Chrome" or "Firefox" using Bing, Edge's default search engine, a huge banner informs you that "Microsoft Edge is the fastest and safest browser in the world. Windows 10 and is already installed. on your PC. "Four boxes below show you how Edge lets you browse faster and faster, provide built-in protection and built-in support.

If that does not stop you, Microsoft has a new and much more complex trick: when you install Firefox or Chrome, it intercepts the action and displays a window promoting the Edge with the same line on how his browser is installed. faster and safer. It then gives you a blue button to click to open Edge, or a gray button on which you can click to install the browser you actually want to use. Oh, and this window will continue to appear unless you go to Settings and stop Windows 10 from offering you "recommendations" of the application.


This interception is currently visible in versions of Windows 10 version 1809 Insider, and we do not know yet if it will be disabled when Windows 10 1809, aka the October 2018 update, will be released to all users next month. I would not bet on that.

This is another novelty from Microsoft, a company that has shown in the past that it does not really care about user preferences. The way it forced users to upgrade to Windows 10 in 2016 is an example. We had hoped that those dark days were behind us, but it seems like no.

While the Bing banner promoting the Edge is a fair game and – to a certain extent – the Edge ads that Microsoft occasionally offers when using another browser are also acceptable, Windows 10 prevents users from using the same. Install a secure program. that they chose to install – in order to promote a different, inferior product, simply is not activated.

And after? When installing VLC Media Player, will we be informed that Movies and TV is already installed and that we might like to use it instead?

What do you think of this new Microsoft initiative? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Photo credit: BlueSkyImage / Shutterstock

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