X018 Inside Xbox Stream – Time, Date, Forecast and How to Watch


The X018 has officially arrived and Microsoft launches the biggest episode of Inside Xbox that fans have ever seen. Below we summarize the hours, dates and feed links to watch, while highlighting our forecasts for the event.

When is the X018 Inside Xbox Stream?

The X018 demo stream starts at 4pm. at 6 pm EST November 10th. Meanwhile, Microsoft will unveil the latest updates of its current portfolio while offering an overview of future Xbox platforms. The event will continue to be broadcast until November 11th. Do not tune in the end of the selection.

Where can I broadcast X018?

There are many places to watch the X018 Inside Xbox stream, including Mixer, Twitch, and YouTube. We have integrated the Mixer stream for your convenience. If there is too much stuttering on your device, YouTube tends to be the best alternative for low-end hardware.

Social network fans should also check the Xbox version. Twitter and Facebook pages too.

What games can we expect to see during Inside Xbox?

Microsoft has been quite discreet about what fans should expect to see during X018, but we have some reasonable predictions for what might appear.

Gears 5 Kait "Gears 5" seems to be a game likely to be featured during Microsoft's X018 feed this weekend. Microsoft / The coalition

  • DLC for current games: Titles like Forza Horizon 4, Decomposition state 2 and Sea of ​​Thieves all launched earlier this year, which places them in a prime position to receive downloadable content after the launch. Horizon sold exceptionally well in recent weeks, the other two titles have not really set the world on fire. So, Microsoft will probably look for a way to bring back some of this lost audience.
  • Crackdown 3 Release date: While we believed it originally Crackdown 3 would be among the wave of major games releases on February 22, Microsoft has withdrawn from this exact date and has since promised a wider release date sometime in the month of February. In just a few months, it's time to finally know the real release date of this game in development.
  • Pass game: Game Pass has generated a lot of goodwill among the Xbox followers, so we expect to see updates about the service during X018. In fact, Microsoft has promised "more than a dozen ad games" for the big show. We could also learn more about recent rumors about the debut of PC Game Pass.
  • PUBG Snow map [Vikendi]: PUBGThe relationship with Xbox remains strong and it is time for PUBG Corporation to start talking about the map of snow that should be released later this year. The card went online for the first time at the Microsoft E3 press conference. It would therefore be logical to propose an update of its development during the X018.
  • Gears 5: Since Microsoft has confirmed Halo Infinity will not be shown during X018, Gears 5 must be the big stinger at the end. Do not forget Gears Pop! or Gears Tactics no more. That being said, Gears 5 is the only member of the franchise trio to have an appropriate release window, we will likely see more.
  • The next Xbox [Maybe]Fans hope the X018 will offer a first glimpse of Microsoft's next-generation Xbox Scarlett console. If this is true, we expect the preview to be a very short summary, similar to the initial revelation of the Xbox One X. If the Xbox Scarlett really arrives soon, the major revelations will be absolutely saved for E3.

That's all we know about the X018 showcase so far. Be sure to watch the streams that start at 4pm. EST November 10th.

What do you want to see from the Microsoft X018 event? Will it really be the biggest episode of Inside Xbox? Tell us in the comments section!

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