Xbox Boss jokes "a lot to share" at E3 2019


The executive vice president of Microsoft games, Phil Spencer, said the Xbox had "a lot to share" at E3 2019. Spencer tweeted Moments after Sony has announced that it will not participate in E3 next year.

"Many to share with fans at E3 2019. Always a highlight of the year to witness the creativity of the industry and the energy of the community," tweeted Spencer. An hour later, Xbox followed by tweeting for fans that the company "can not wait" to see everyone at the E3 2019. Although the company has not confirmed, one of the ads that the Xbox is considering to sharing could be the new console brought into play at E3 2018.

The Xbox can also be presented at a different time for E3 2019. Jeremy Hinton, Xbox sales leader for Asia tweeted Microsoft would move its presentation time taking into account Australian viewers. We contacted Microsoft to find out if the company was planning to present its E3 presentation outside of the event hall, as this year.

Sony's absence of E3 2019 will be the first time the company will not participate in the event since the creation of E3. Sony has been running the show at E3 with Microsoft and Nintendo for a number of years. So it's a pretty big surprise to see the company go away willingly. The first details that Sony would not participate in were announced via ESA. Sony followed with a confirmation.

"As the industry evolves, Sony Interactive Entertainment continues to look for creative ways to engage the community," the company said in a statement to GameSpot. "PlayStation fans represent the world for us and we always want to innovate, think differently and experiment with new ways to delight the players, so we decided not to participate in E3 in 2019. We are exploring new and familiar ways to participate in our community in 2019 and we look forward to sharing our plans with you. "

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