Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Now Renewal for 12 months starting at $ 69 – Amazon Black Friday 2018 Deals


The holiday season is traditionally one of the best times of the year for games; not only are we fortunate to receive countless new AAA releases that will not stop appearing since the fall, but we are also able to take advantage of a wide range of contracts launched in the fall. Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. That's also why the holiday season is the best opportunity for players to renew their annual subscription to their favorite gaming services, including Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Now. Not surprisingly, 12-month subscriptions to these two platforms are now sharply reduced and start at $ 69.99.

Microsoft is a little more aggressive than Sony, having reduced its Xbox Game Pass by 42%, bringing it back to one of its lowest prices ever recorded. Nevertheless, enjoying a 20% discount on PlayStation Now is always a great deal that only comes back a few times a year. Shorter subscriptions to both services are not taken into account, but they rarely offer the best value for money, even in the context of standard prices: subscriptions for one year are the real value of the game. It is unlikely that these two offers are live for more than a few days and that their course is completed by Tuesday; No matter if you are looking for something to offer a player or if you want to invest in your own entertainment, these newly launched discounts are definitely worth your attention.

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