Xbox Games with Gold for July 2018 Revealed


Xbox Live Gold subscribers get a handful of new titles each month as part of their subscription. Many would have waited to discover the games that Microsoft will offer them next month and they will be delighted to know that the company has now unveiled the Xbox games with Gold for July 2018. Free titles are available to subscribers on Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Xbox Live Gold subscribers on Xbox One actually get four free titles each month as part of this subscription, as games offered to members with an Xbox 360 are backward compatible with the current console. [19659002] Assault Android Cactus is a twin-stick shooter will be available for download on the Xbox One from July 1st to 31st. The cooperative Death Squared puzzle game will be available to subscribers on the Xbox One between July 16 and August 15.

Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown will be available to Xbox 360 owners who subscribe to Xbox Live Gold from July 1st to July 15th. Splinter Cell: Tom Clancy's Conviction with his solo campaign and his co-op campaign will be available on the Xbox 360 from July 16th to July 31st.

Both of these Xbox 360 titles are backwards compatible, which means that they will also be available for free in the aforementioned periods for Xbox One owners.

Filed under Gaming . Learn more about games with Gold, Microsoft, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

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