Xbox Players Are Upset About Fallout 76's Exclusive 'Early' Beta



Will we be stuck in the vault forever?

By Jessie Wade

Update: Bethesda has annoncé another Fallout 76 beta play this week for Sunday, October 28, from 12:00 pm – 2pm ET. United Kingdom and European players.

Original story follows:

The original announcement of the Fallout 76 beta detailed that Xbox One players would be given early access to the beta – one full week ahead of PlayStation 4 users.

However, many players' expectations of the amount of playable time in that exclusive beta window do not align with the reality, as Bethesda annoncé Tuesday, March 4, 2010, 4:00 pm ET – 4:00 pm ET.

In Bethesda 's post on their website Tuesday, they discussed aspects of the "Break – it Early Test Application" saying that they could be offline. Responding to IGN's request for comment, a Bethesda representative noted that all of the information is in the aforementioned existing blog post.

"On any given day, the game may be BETA is offline for a full day or two to make adjustments as needed. "

Fallout 76 on Xbox 2012 – who 's just getting frustrated on the front of the head. 6 hours.

With a 4-day break of the beta being offline, it does not give much time for PS4 players jump online Tuesday, Oct. 30.

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Bethesda originally stated they would have opened the door to a new window, and would make them live again.

Users outside the US are also unhappy due to the timezone differences, with the first beta appearing from midnight – 4:00 am on a weekday in the UK.

Reddit user HarraReeves_ posted Wednesday, June 27th, 2009 at 7:00 pm

"They do not have anything to do with this game, but it's not a week early, this is a 10 hours of gameplay at most, early," Reddit user HarraReeves_ wrote.

Reddit user ArcticReaper from Australia. "Sucks that we have in Australia have a 8am start and everywhere else has an arvo / night start 2 hours Do not think warrants getting up early for it 4 hours was worth it Got the full 4 hours in. Goal 2? No thanks, Not enough time for me to test and try breaking the game with a … Rather get more sleep. "

User JLArmitage jumped in stating that, "To be fair, it's not early access to the game." It's a week to early access to beta. and see how much the server can take before it crashes. "

Another user, AncientRent then commented on the way Bethesda was marketing the beta for preorder sales, saying that if the beta was only for testing server stress, they would have made it an open beta to ensure that many people could get online.

"It was clearly used as a way of saying" "especially given to being so vocal about progress," "Reddit user AncientRent wrote.

Users who have yet to preorder Fallout 76 and were planning on doing so for Xbox One, are now saying they are going to wait and get it on PS4.

The first time slot of the beta was originally announced Monday, with ranges between 4:00 pm in the US and 2:00 pm in Sydney, Australia.

Stay tuned to IGN for more news on Fallout 76 and rewatch our livestream of gameplay. While we wait for the second wave of the beta to begin, check out IGN's interactive map of Appalachia and Vault 76.

Jessie Wade is a news writer for IGN and is curious about what's inside and outside of Vault 76. She's going to play on PS4 though. Follow her on Twitter @jessieannwade.

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