You can get a huge amount of star dust at the community day of today.


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Pokemon GONiantic

This is the community day of Pokémon GO. Normally, I would not be so excited about this one – the star thrustmy is Cyndaquil, and I always find the starter community days a bit exhausting. Starters are hard to catch and do not have much value. That's why they feel like they're hurting themselves. This time, however, I'll be here for one reason in particular: this community day can give you the absurdity of star dust.

For the start / end times and the special move, click here.

We are in the middle of a double star dust Pokémon GO for now, but the community day also includes a double bonus of star dust on all takes. Niantic has confirmed that the bonuses are cumulative, which means that we are working with a base level of 400 star dust per capture. Add a star above that and that number will rise to 600. With improved weather, the maximum you can get with one shot would be 750. This is much better than the 100 standard.

Star dust has been one of the main limiting factors Pokémon GO for a long time. At one point, one of the only things to do in the game is to build powerful teams of creatures designed for the raid, either solo or trying to make legends with as few people as possible. And that takes Stardust: leveling can take up to 5,000 stardust at one point, and people who are trying to push their thrustA maximum of 40 people can absorb huge amounts of product.

Leveling has long been my main star dust trap in this game, but at one point I ended up with as many as 3000+ CPs thrustMy enthusiasm for the project began to weaken. And Niantic then introduced the trading system, which can absorb up to 1,000,000 stars in a single transaction under certain circumstances. Suddenly, the game had a new final phase to play alongside the brilliant game.

You will not get a better opportunity than for a long time with Stardust. Cyndaquil might not be the most useful thrustMonday in the game, but it comes with one of the best bonuses that the community day has had in a long time.


This is the community day of Pokémon GO. Normally, I would not be so excited about this one – the star thrustmy is Cyndaquil, and I always find the starter community days a bit exhausting. Starters are hard to catch and do not have much value. That's why they feel like they're hurting themselves. This time, however, I'll be here for one reason in particular: this community day can give you the absurdity of star dust.

For the start / end times and the special move, click here.

We are in the middle of a double star dust Pokémon GO for now, but the community day also includes a double bonus of star dust on all takes. Niantic has confirmed that the bonuses are cumulative, which means that we are working with a base level of 400 star dust per capture. Add a star above that and that number will rise to 600. With improved weather, the maximum you can get with one shot would be 750. This is much better than the 100 standard.

Star dust has been one of the main limiting factors Pokémon GO for a long time. At one point, one of the only things to do in the game is to build powerful teams of creatures designed for the raid, solo or trying to make legends with as few people as possible. And that takes Stardust: leveling can take up to 5,000 stardust at one point, and people who are trying to push their thrustA maximum of 40 people can absorb huge amounts of product.

Leveling has long been my main star dust trap in this game, but at one point I ended up with as many as 3000+ CPs thrustMy enthusiasm for the project began to weaken. And Niantic then introduced the trading system, which can absorb up to 1,000,000 stars in a single transaction under certain circumstances. Suddenly, the game had a new final phase to play alongside the brilliant game.

You will not get a better opportunity than for a long time with Stardust. Cyndaquil might not be the most useful thrustMonday in the game, but it comes with one of the best bonuses that the community day has had in a long time.

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