You can now get a Spotify playlist inspired by your ancestors


As the genetic profile has become increasingly accessible in recent years, consumer DNA testing has become increasingly popular. Several companies have provided detailed analyzes of everything from your ethnic heritage to your nutritional nuances.

One of the most popular services is Ancestry, which started as a genealogical database and can now estimate your ancestral origins in exchange for a saliva sample.

Today, in addition to its family history, Ancestry is associated with Spotify to create custom playlists based on the regions from which your DNA sample suggests the origin of your ancestors .

Spit it out

To get your personalized reading list with a preview of your genetic heritage, you must send a saliva sample to Ancestry in the message, with a cost of $ 99 (AU $ 79 / AU $ 129) plus shipping costs .

After about six weeks, your results are sent to you by email, not only to tell you where your ancestors came from, but also to connect to potential family members based on user data. 'Ancestry.

Once you have your results, go to the dedicated web page and enter the regions that appeared in your DNA profile – the website then generates a playlist of songs associated with those regions via Spotify.

Musical tradition

Consumer DNA testing is not for everyone – you may be worried about your personal details or not be willing to pay to know what you may already know about your wealth – and if you have a rough idea of ​​your ethnic backgrounds always generate a playlist: simply select the regions you think your family is from and your playlist will be generated.

We tried it with an enlightened assumption about our own ancestry and we received an interesting and varied mix of traditional and modern songs from around the world, which is a pretty new way to discover new music and adapt to your own. unique ancestral descent. .

Of course, estimating your ancestry will never be as accurate as legitimate DNA profiling, but it's an interesting way to create your next playlist of favorite music.

Via Engadget

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