You can win a limited edition Xbox One X, but only by eating Taco Bell


As of October 18th, every $ 5 chalupa double box you buy from Taco Bell will give you a code that can be used to enter and run the chance to win one of the custom gaming platforms. Microsoft and Taco Bell distribute one of the consoles every 10 minutes between October 18 and November 22, which is a little over 5,000 consoles that you could eat at your leisure.

Before you terrorize your body with a double box chalupa after a double box in the hopes of tagging an Xbox with a native ad for Taco Bell, be aware that the number of entries you receive is limited. You can only submit 32 codes per person.

In addition to producing the "bang" sound of Taco Bell commercials, the console will also feature a gradient theme exclusive to the promotion. (Sony had previously offered a similar PS4 to the golden skin and also part of a Taco Bell gift.) It also comes with an Xbox Elite controller, three months of Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Live Gold. Xbox One X plans usually sell for over $ 500. Consuming a $ 5 meal at Taco Bell is a small price to pay for a shot.

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