You really should not be excited about the first Samsung foldable phone – BGR


Samsung is only months away from announcing the most exciting new Galaxy smartphone we've seen in years. After a full year of un-inspired iterative updates in its Galaxy S and Galaxy Note lines, the company will more than make up for its annoying updates. The phone in question will feature an exciting new design that will push Samsung's design identity to new heights. It will be filled with advanced technologies and intriguing features, such as an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor. It will also include five cameras, offering a mobile photography experience that we have never seen before on a popular flagship smartphone.

This will indeed be Samsung's most exciting new Galaxy phone. In fact, it could be Samsung's most exciting Galaxy phone. But no, we're not talking about the collapsible Galaxy smartphone that Samsung has confirmed again earlier this week, which has been called the 'Galaxy X' and more recently the 'Galaxy F'. We are talking about the Galaxy S10, that Samsung fans should expect much more than the foldable phone that Samsung is about to unveil.

As we announced yesterday, Samsung's mobile phone manager, DJ Koh, has confirmed that the company plans to announce its first folding smartphone this year. We do not know exactly when the phone will be unveiled, but Koh said that this would happen in 2018. Samsung and Huawei fought to become the first smartphone maker to unveil a production device with a foldable OLED display, and it seems now as Samsung is about to win. By the way, this race is the first red flag that tells us that we should not be too excited about this new Galaxy F.

When Samsung releases products, they are almost always awful. This has happened less frequently lately, but it happened all the time. Remember when Samsung released its first voice-activated TV only because rumors ran that Apple was about to announce an "iTV" powered by Siri? It may be the most frustrating television of all time, and that's one of the many examples.

Even in 2018, Samsung still did not understand that being first was not always a good thing. It's funny, Samsung's success in the smartphone market is due in large part to its desire to blatantly copy Apple devices and its strategies, and yet, Apple is never the first to market a new one product or a new feature. Apple does not do things first, it does them best.

Samsung has been working on a collapsible smartphone for years and has encountered all kinds of design problems. First of all, Samsung said that its folding phone was supposed to be launched in 2017, then it was pushed back to 2018 before being postponed again in 2019. Samsung was too quiet on its foldable Galaxy phone lately. In fact, it was not until Huawei began to claim that he would be the first to market his own foldable smartphone that Samsung has started talking about the device again. This is another big red flag: Samsung seems more anxious to announce its folding Galaxy phone than it has finished and launched.

Even if it finally arrives on store shelves, we should not have hope. Why? Because Samsung is famous for its first generation products. The strength of society lies in refinement. Just look at his current smartphones Galaxy S and Galaxy Note. The first models were cheap plastic batteries that were shameful compared to Apple's iPhones. Now, the Galaxy S and the Galaxy Note have perhaps the most gorgeous design on the market. Samsung took years to refine its designs and get the Infinity screen. Remember how terrible the first Samsung curved screen phone was? It was stupid and useless, and it should never have existed.

Wait, we're not done yet – there's something you need to know about the Galaxy F, or whatever Samsung calls its first collapsible Galaxy phone: it's going to be incredibly expensive. Rumors suggest that it could end up costing nearly $ 2,000 on its release. Samsung charges up to $ 1,250 for a Galaxy phone with almost the same design as last year. Thus, a foldable phone whose price is around $ 2,000 certainly does not seem out of the realm of possibility.

Our own sources inside have raised even more red flags, but we can not report most of what was said behind closed doors. We can say that we were told that the phone will be very little available when it comes out, however. We can also say that we were told that the prototypes of the folding Galaxy phone were "too thick" when folded, which is another reason to wait; Future generations of foldable Galaxy phones will generally be much thinner and more compact.

It would be great if we are wrong. We would like to see a foldable Galaxy smartphone with modern design. We would like a phone not to be expelled by Samsung executives eager to claim the title of "prime" as a troll in the comments section of a blog. That does not seem to be the case, so we suggest Samsung's fans do their best to keep the perspective and not hope too much.

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