You will need to reinstall 'Overwatch & # 39; to get his next big update


Unfortunately, this means that you have no choice but to find a way to make it work if you have a limited connection. Blizzard has no release date yet for the update – the company has only issued an advance notification, probably because some users may create hell if they have to reinstall an entire game while they are waiting for a fix. Once the game giant has announced a date and time, you can plan accordingly and schedule your other downloads for a later date.

Here is the announcement of the company in its entirety:

"We wanted to get ahead early and let you know what to expect with our next big patch – we do not have a release date / time yet, but we'll update that thread as soon as we do it.

The next major patch will make some fairly fundamental changes to the game's client. The number of changes we make is large enough that we can correct the current content effectively. As a result, when the next patch is released, the client will fully reinstall to handle these changes. We know this is not ideal for people with meter connections. I hope this announcement will help you prepare for this upcoming update.

Thank you for your patience and we will see you all in the game! "

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