You will soon be able to transfer phone calls to the speakers of your Windows 10 computer with your phone


Microsoft may have more smartphone platform on which to support it, but it does pretty awesome technical gymnastics to get around its Windows desktop in a repository of smartphone activities.

With its new application Your Phone, which should be delivered in the update of Windows 10 October 2018 when it will finally be published, Microsoft brings the platform Windows 10 essential support for smartphones.

Your phone currently has limited features that allow users to interact with messages and photos on their smartphones, but Microsoft has big ambitions for the software and insiders could start testing those plans soon.

According to Aggiornmaentilumia, a feature mentioned briefly by Microsoft at the developer conference in early 2018 could feature in the next major Windows 10 consumer update.

A new system called Windows.CallingShellApp is looking to transfer calls from a smartphone to the speakers of a Windows 10 device. If conventional wisdom relegated this new feature to the desktop, there are other strings in the subsystem that relate to the obscure folding device of Microsoft.

There are already services offering this type of functionality, including the Dell Mobile Connect app, Facebook Messenger and especially Skype. However, it seems that Microsoft is currently creating native support for these features directly in Windows 10 in order to extend beyond the siled messaging experiences of other services because it is also assumed that Your Phone is taking over Mirroring App charge.

Your phone, from Microsoft, is becoming the company's Swiss Army knife, which relies on software-independent connectivity.

Further Reading: Mirroring Applications, Dell, Microsoft, Skype, Your Phone.

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