Your Samsung phone could send your nudes to random contacts without your knowledge – BGR


Here's the case: if you own a Samsung phone, including the Galaxy S9 or Note 8, your private photos may be at risk. The phone may send photos to your contacts without you knowing it, which will not seem too complicated for you until you realize that you do not want certain images sent to certain contacts. In other words, your phone could send naked to your boss or your mother, which would obviously be a very big problem.

The cause of the problem is not known at this point, and Samsung is studying the issue. While you wait, there are fixes in place if you are one of the victims.

The messages on the forums of Reddit and Samsung, reported by Gizmodo explain that everything happens without the knowledge of the owner. The photos are sent randomly to contacts and there is no trace in the Samsung Messages application to prove that it has happened. The only proof is the answer you could receive from a recipient surprised to see pictures of you without any explanation.

A Reddit user discovered that Samsung Messages sent their entire photo gallery to a contact in the middle of the night. Fortunately, it was the partner of the user, but the behavior is still unacceptable.

Samsung says that he is studying the question:

We are aware of the reports on this subject and our technical teams are studying the issue. Affected customers are encouraged to contact us directly at 1-800-SAMSUNG

A theory explaining why this is occurring indicates that Samsung Messages is not working properly with the recent RCS profile updates. T-Mobile says it's not a T-Mobile problem, pointing to Samsung.

While you wait for Samsung to repair the problem, you can try two temporary fixes yourself. First, you can abandon Samsung Messages and use another email application. Second, you must revoke the permissions of Samsung Messages to access your phone's storage. In either case, just to be sure, you might want to move compromising photos from your Galaxy phone at the moment.

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