Zero tolerance policy announced for teammates


Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Beta

Treyarch announced that it would apply a zero tolerance policy for intentional teammates in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and introduce measures that discourage bereavement.

On Reddit, the studio responded to fans' concerns by noting that preventing teammates from looting the corpses of teammates they had killed is one of the most popular queries in the community. Treyarch has agreed to implement it alongside a "Report Player" feature. The scoundrels will be banned, but the developer has not yet revealed the duration of the bans and how it will treat repeat offenders.

Other comments on the beta and subsequent actions include:

  • Audio Occlusion (AKA: Spatial Audio): We have discovered and corrected a critical bug in which a player's environment does not properly impact the sounds of the game. That's why, for example, a person directly above or below the player may seem much stronger than expected. At the exit of the game, the walls, the floors, the ceilings and other objects of the world will have an impact on the steps.

  • Distinguish the vehicle against the player: We have seen requests to facilitate the determination of shots from a player hitting a vehicle or an enemy in or near that vehicle. This is already being corrected in time for launch. Players will know the difference depending on the color of their markers.

  • Armor damage indicator: Several players have asked for a clearer method to show how much damage has been done to their armor. In the launch version of the game, players will see an Armor Health Bar that appears over their own health bar in the HUD when they are wearing armor. The armor icon will continue to break as it does now.

  • Camera controls in the down position: We saw requests for camera control permissions to the anomaly when they were blocked. We do not allow it intentionally, because players should not have a better knowledge of the situation when they are down that they are standing. Nevertheless, we will continue to evaluate the position of the camera and other adjustments.

  • Scoreboard / Teammate Kill Counters: In the long term, we are working on improvements to the action-after-action report, which will give players additional information about their team's performance. We have also planned improvements to see the performance statistics in the game that will measure the Kills, Downs, Kills Confirmed and Clean Ups players, which will be separated from the details of HUD "Players Left Alive" and "Players Spectating You".

  • Draws / # 1 spot, but game instead of the win screen: Some of you have been surprised to see your match ending in a draw. Same here! It is very possible, but unlikely, for two players to be able to trade, and we need to do a better job of covering this case and others doing it. Stay tuned.

  • Killcam Details: In Blackout, players can not access Killcam until all members of their team have been eliminated. This is to prevent players from using rebroadcasting to provide advanced situational awareness to their teammates still alive. Once all members of a team eliminated, the Killcam button appears on the Game Over screen.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will be released on October 12 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

[Source: Reddit]

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