USF invention addresses face mask shortage and global pollution I USF News


Technology created at the University of South Florida (USF) may be the key to safely reuse disposable masks. Researchers have found a way to quickly disinfect and electrostatically recharge N95 respirators, recovering their original filtration efficiency and protective ability against COVID-19 and other airborne illnesses.

In their study published in “Environmental sciences and technologies”, the team demonstrated that its patent-pending sterilization technology can restore the original filtration efficiency of an N95 respirator by around 95%, even after 15 treatment cycles. The technology fights the coronavirus using corona – plasma discharge at ambient atmospheric pressure. The technology works by simultaneously deactivating pathogens on a mask and restoring its electrostatic charges. It is non-thermal which means it does not require additional heating and does not require chemicals or contact, making it safe and convenient to use. It is reusable, safer than ultraviolet (UV) radiation and is a low-energy technique, requiring only 1.25 watts of electricity.

In addition to providing protection, corona discharge treatment can have a significant impact on the environment. According to a report released by the Hong Kong-based marine conservation organization OceansAsia, 1.56 billion face masks polluted the oceans in 2020 and will likely take more than 450 years to completely decompose. Instead of using hundreds of masks per year, researchers say the technology will limit their consumption to dozens each year.

“That’s a 90% reduction for each user. If we assume that 10 percent of the population worldwide takes advantage of the corona discharge mask reuse technology, there will be four to five billion fewer masks discarded in the environment, ”the project manager said. Ying Zhong, assistant professor in the USF department. Mechanical Engineering. “This will reduce at least 24 million tonnes of plastic pollution and reduce the amount of chemicals used to disinfect masks and avoid their impact on the environment.”

“Despite the difficult conditions of the pandemic, this was the most exciting project I have ever worked on. We want our research to advance the understanding of how corona discharge disinfection can be turned into products on the market as soon as possible, ”said project co-leader Libin Ye, assistant professor in the department of cell biology, USF molecular biology and microbiology.

The researchers are working with a medical device design company to turn their prototypes into products available to hospitals and the general public. The team is also working on the development of portable surface screening devices to sterilize homes, hospitals and other public spaces, such as restaurants, schools and public transportation.

The Technology is funded in part by a RAPID grant of $ 167,568 from the National Science Foundation and a COVID-19 Rapid Response Research Grant from the USF Office of Research and Innovation.


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