Using old Creative Cloud apps? You could be sued …


If you use old Creative Cloud applications, Adobe warns you that you risk being sued. Adobe told subscribers of older apps that they were no longer allowed to use them and that they could be sued if they continued to do so. .

Relevant applications include Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, Premiere, Animate and Media Director. It seems that the mess could be the result of a dispute over licensing between Adobe and Dolby …


Adobe has sent an e-mail to its customers with what is actually a letter of termination and withdrawal.

We recently stopped some older versions of Creative Cloud apps. Therefore, under the terms of our contract, you are no longer allowed to use them.

Be aware that if you continue to use the abandoned version (s), you run the risk of third-party infringement claims.

Adobe advises customers to update the latest version of the affected applications.

Although Adobe does not name the third party, Apple Insider speculates that it is Dolby.

Adobe […] is currently being sued by Dolby […]. Prior to the creation of the Creative Cloud Subscription Service, Adobe licensed Dolby to use certain technologies with a contract based on the number of discs of certain applications sold. Now that the software is distributed online, companies would have renegotiated their agreement to rely on the number of users running the software.

According to Dolby's legal deposit, this agreement was subject to figures reported by Adobe that were being reviewed by a third-party audit. "When Dolby sought to exercise its right to audit Adobe's books and records for proper reporting and payment, Adobe refused to engage in even basic auditing and auditing practices. information sharing; Adobe had itself demanded from its own dealers, "says the document.

"Adobe has apparently determined that it was better to spend years hiding this information from Dolby rather than allowing Dolby to understand the full extent of Adobe's contractual violations," he continues. "Yet, the limited information that Dolby has reviewed to date demonstrates that Adobe has integrated Dolby technologies into many Adobe software and product collections, but has refused to report each sale or pay the agreed royalties due to Dolby . "

The customers concerned do not seem impressed. Many of them have good reason to stick with the old Creative Cloud applications, such as a preference for the user interface, the use of outdated features in new releases, or simply a improved performance of older software. Customers are also intrigued by the idea that they could be sued for a problem between Adobe and Dolby (or any other third party).

The news of Adobe was more positive yesterday when the company opened the beta listings for Photoshop for iPad before the publication of it later in the year.

Photo: Shutterstock

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