Vaccine eligibility open to people as young as 50 years old


The Bay Area counties have a message for the hundreds of thousands of patients between the ages of 50 and 64 who become eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination starting Thursday: Stay patient.

“We just don’t have the supply right now,” said Lynda Hopkins, chair of the Sonoma County Board of Trustees, who sent a letter over the weekend pleading with health officials to the ‘State for more vaccines. Hopkins told the state the county can immunize 40,000 people each week, but is only getting 15,000 doses per week – and less than 13,000 this week.

“We’re going to be in a situation where demand greatly exceeds supply,” she said at a press briefing on Monday in which Dr Urmila Shende, the county’s vaccine chief, suggested people newly eligible will voluntarily continue to wait for their injection if they are healthy enough to do so.

Bay Area and California public health officials have similar concerns now that Gov. Gavin Newsom has opened eligibility for life-saving vaccinations to people 50 and older starting Thursday, and to all. world from 16 on April 15. vaccine supply, which federal officials promise to come soon, to meet demand.

California has 7.2 million people aged 50 to 64, 17% of whom are fully vaccinated because of their job or medical condition, reports the California Department of Public Health. That leaves almost 6 million people in the group who still need a shot or both.


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