Vaccine Side Effects Are Actually Good: Moderna and Pfizer Side Effects, Explained


Each vaccine carries risks of side effects. But with these new Covid-19 vaccines, the chances are much higher. Most people will experience pain at the injection site or be tired. Vaccines have more side effects than we are used to, which can be scary. But scientists say that’s actually a good thing.

When we have, for example, a cold, we may feel tired and have a fever or chills. But it’s not the virus that creates these symptoms – your immune system makes you feel this way by fighting the virus.

And while vaccines are harmless – you won’t get Covid-19 from the Covid-19 vaccine – they train your immune system to fight off the virus. So you may have some of those same “sick” feelings when your immune system is triggered in response to the vaccine.

Watch the video above to learn more about how your immune system works and why you might be happy to feel a little ‘meh’ after receiving your injection.

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