Vaping Effects Leaving Teen With "70 Years Old" Lungs


An 18-year-old from Illinois was surprised by the health status of his doctors after his appearance with the lungs of a "70-year-old man." The patient blamed his e-cigarette for his illness, which almost led to his death.

Adam Hergenreder was hospitalized in August for a serious lung injury. The doctors said that the patient had been exposed to the vape for more than a year, which could contribute to his health problem.

"It's scary to think of that – this little device has hurt my lungs," said Hergenreder at the local WGN-TV television channel. His case is that one of the hundreds of young Americans who have developed a mysterious lung disease due to prolonged use of the electronic cigarette.

Hergenreder stated that he used electronic cigarettes containing nicotine or THC. However, he admitted to having purchased the products from an unofficial reseller.

After a vaping of more than a year and a half, the teenager developed chills and started to vomit. The chest x-ray revealed that Hergenreder had damaged lungs.

The doctors said the damage had affected his breathing and that, if left untreated, this condition could result in the death of the teenager.

"It was a serious lung disease, especially in a young person," said Stephen Amesbury, one of Hergenreder's doctors at Advocate Condell Medical Center. "It was very disturbing that he is suffering from major lung damage and maybe a few changes after his recovery."

Hergenreder is currently recovering from his condition at home. However, he is still struggling to breathe and fears that his lungs will never regain his full capacity.

The teenager from Illinois was part of his school's wrestling team. Hergenreder said his condition could prevent him from participating in a physical sport.

Doctors have not yet confirmed the direct link between lung injury and apathy to Hergenreder. However, experts have found evidence showing how the device negatively affects the body.

The majority of patients also agreed that e-cigarettes are potentially the cause of their health problems. Increasing cases of adolescents and adults developing vapor – related lung problems have prompted the Trump administration to implement new rules for device marketing.

The federal government wants to ban flavored electronic cigarettes. The decision comes after six people died from diseases associated with vaping effects.

vaping The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has made the use of e-cigarettes a serious health epidemic in the United States because of the growing number of people with serious health problems related to the electronic device. pixabay


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