Variant of COVID-19 detected in Hawaii


As the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines in Hawaii continues, the state has received a heavy blow with confirmation that a variant of the novel coronavirus is now present in the state.

The State Department of Health confirmed Monday that its division of laboratories had detected two cases of the L452R variant of SARS-CoV-2 in Hawaii – one in Oahu and one in Maui.

Officials said the variant was first detected in Denmark in March and is now in more than a dozen US states, including California. Additionally, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Protection has warned that it will likely become the dominant version in the country by March.

While science has not shown that the L452R variant spreads faster or poses a greater threat than other COVID-19 variants, state health officials are concerned as it has been linked to a growing number. of cases – including several major epidemics – in California.

In addition, the state’s health department identified and confirmed 60 previously unreported COVID-19-related deaths on Monday after careful inspection of death certificates.

The 60 deaths – which occurred between August and December – were discovered after a thorough examination of the department’s electronic death registration system, according to DOH director Dr Libby Char. Fifty-one deaths occurred on Oahu, six on the island of Hawaii and three on Maui, Char said.

The state’s COVID-19 death toll on Monday stood at 342. The additional deaths, to be added today, would bring the state’s COVID-19 death toll to at least 402.

Also on Monday, Hawaii recorded 123 new coronavirus infections, including 91 in Oahu, 21 in Maui, six on the island of Hawaii and five residents diagnosed out of state, bringing the total to 25,275 nationwide. the state.

Acting state epidemiologist Dr Sarah Kemble said it is common to find variants of viruses like COVID-19 and that some pose greater risks than others.

“We are working with our colleagues in other states as well as with the (CDC) to learn more about the characteristics of this particular variant,” she said.

In a follow-up question-and-answer session, Kemble shared that one of the cases, which was linked to travel to the mainland, was found in Oahu, and the other, which does not appear to be travel-related, in Maui.

The two cases do not appear to be related to each other, she said.

“It could mean there was a travel connection that we weren’t able to determine,” she says. “It could mean that the virus has been around longer than we realize and is circulating in our community. I think again, given our connections to California and the West Coast, where these strains are definitely seen, that wouldn’t be all that surprising. I think those are the possibilities that we are looking at. We are trying to understand how recently it has been introduced. “

The L452R variant is linked to several outbreaks in Santa Clara County, according to the University of California at San Francisco, as well as in Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego counties.

As an investigation continues into the extent of the new strain, both cases have been lifted from isolation, she said. At this point, she said, there is no evidence indicating the need for the state to change its COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

The department’s Laboratories Division began genome sequencing in June to look for possible COVID-19 variants and is now examining 75 samples per week, a level it does not plan to change. He also developed a testing algorithm designed to find variants as soon as possible after they arrive.

Officials said that the B.1.1.7 variant, first found in the UK, and the B.1.351 variant, first found in South Africa, both have “improved transmissibility”. Neither has yet been detected in Hawaii.

Queen’s Health Systems officially launched its first mass COVID-19 vaccination clinic for kupuna 75 and over at the Blaisdell Center Concert Hall at 8 a.m. on Monday.

The clinic, which has more than 80 employees, will be accessible to people with appointments from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. every day except Tuesday.

Queen’s expected to vaccinate more than 1,200 kupuna aged 75 and over with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on Monday after a soft opening on Saturday in which more than 550 were vaccinated.

At her peak, Jill Hoggard Green, president and CEO of The Queen’s Health Systems, said she expects the clinic to be able to immunize 5,000 people per day.

Hoggard also said Queen’s will strictly administer vaccines only to people 75 and over at the Blaisdell clinic, not the caregivers accompanying them at this time. An exception will be made if the caregiver is also 75 years of age or older and has an appointment. Each person can bring up to one caring adult.

So far, more than 12,000 appointments have been scheduled for the Blaisdell clinic. Appointments are scheduled for up to a month and are only given if the first and second doses are available.

To date, Queen’s Health Systems has delivered more than 20,000 doses of the vaccine to employees, community health workers, people 75 years of age and older, and essential workers across the state.

In an interview with Spotlight Hawaii on Monday morning, Lt. Gov. Josh Green said 106,654 vaccines have been administered in the state so far, or about 56% of the 189,000 vaccines available in stock.

The state health department still advises wearing masks when leaving the house, even if they are vaccinated, and limiting interactions and maintaining a distance of 6 feet from people outside of immediate households.

“Hawaii is not immune to new strains,” Char said in a statement. “The arrival of the L452R reminds us that we must wear masks, maintain a physical distance from people outside our immediate homes and avoid crowds. These safe practices associated with COVID-19 vaccines will help us stop the spread. “

Queen’s COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

>> Or: Blaisdell Center Concert Hall, 777 Ward Ave.

>> When: 8 am-6:30pm every day except Tuesday

>> Who: Kupuna 75 and over only, and by appointment only

>> Cost: Free. Please bring official ID, insurance card and a pre-filled screening form. Parking at the Blaisdell Center will also be free (please enter from King Street).

>> To make an appointment, visit or call 691-2222.


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