Vegan diet better than Mediterranean diet for weight loss, cholesterol control


Are you looking for a diet that is more beneficial for losing weight and keeps your cholesterol under control? Try a vegan diet! A vegan diet is more effective for weight loss than a Mediterranean diet, according to a new study.

The results of the study were published in the “Journal of the American College of Nutrition”. The study found that a low-fat vegan diet had better results in terms of weight, body composition, insulin sensitivity and cholesterol levels, compared to a Mediterranean diet.

The study randomly assigned participants, who were overweight and had no history of diabetes, to a vegan or Mediterranean diet in a ratio of 1: 1. For 16 weeks, half of the participants started with a low-fat vegan diet that eliminated animal products and focused on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

The other half started with the Mediterranean diet, which followed the PREDIMED protocol, which focuses on fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, low-fat dairy products and extra virgin olive oil all. by limiting or avoiding red meat and saturated fat.

Neither group had a calorie limit, and the participants did not change exercise or medication routines unless directed otherwise by their personal physician. As part of the crossover design, participants then returned to their basic diet for a four-week washout period before moving to the opposite group for an additional 16 weeks.

The study found that within 16 weeks of each diet:

1. Participants lost an average of 6 kilograms (or about 13 pounds) on the vegan diet, compared to no average change from the Mediterranean diet.

2. Participants lost an additional 3.4 kg (about 7.5 pounds) of body fat on the vegan diet.

3. Participants saw a greater reduction in visceral fat of 315 cc with the vegan diet.

4. The vegan diet lowered total and LDL cholesterol levels by 18.7 mg / dL and 15.3 mg / dL, respectively, while there were no significant changes in cholesterol in the Mediterranean diet.

5. Blood pressure decreased with both diets, but more with the Mediterranean diet (6.0 mmHg, versus 3.2 mmHg with the vegan diet).

“Previous studies have suggested that Mediterranean and vegan diets improve body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors, but so far their relative effectiveness has not been compared in a randomized trial,” said the author of study Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, director of clinical research for the committee of physicians.

Dr Kahleova added: “We decided to test diets face to face and found that a vegan diet is more effective at improving health markers and boosting weight loss.”

The authors noted that the vegan diet likely resulted in weight loss, as it was associated with reduced calorie intake, increased fiber intake, decreased fat intake, and decreased fat intake. consumption of saturated fat.

“While many people think the Mediterranean diet is one of the best ways to lose weight, the diet fell apart and burned when we put it to the test,” said the author of the study Neal Barnard, MD, Chairman of the Physicians Committee.

Barnard added: “In a randomized controlled trial, the Mediterranean diet did not cause any weight loss. The problem appears to be the inclusion of fatty fish, dairy products and oils. In contrast, a low-fat vegan diet. fat caused constant weight loss and. “

“If your goal is to lose weight or be healthy in 2021, choosing a plant-based diet is a great way to achieve your resolution,” concluded Dr. Kahleova.

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