Victoria home composting system is one of Time’s 100 best inventions


Victor Nicolov received a Christmas present early last week, when Time magazine named the Sepura home composting system as one of its 100 Inventions of the Year.

Nicolov, managing director of Victoria-based Anvy Technologies, had his eye on the biggest prize to send the first shipment of his Sepura system at the start of the new year, but said his name on the list was exciting .

“This means that there will be more people who will find out that there is another way to get rid of waste at home,” he said.

The Sepura system, which Nicolov started developing in 2018, is a smart device that attaches to a kitchen sink and acts as a filter between the drain and the drain pipe.

The system extracts all liquid from food waste, allowing it to pass through the pipe while organic solids ready for compost are collected and stored in a sealed 10 liter container which can be removed to tip onto a compost pile or in a compost collection bin. .

Nicolov said the system captures 95% of solid waste that goes down the drain and could obsolete the need for countertop compost bins that can smell and breed fruit flies.

Time’s List, which highlights inventions every year that make the world a better and smarter place, noted that the Sepura system could help solve the problem of the 40 million tonnes of food waste Americans generate each year, l ‘preventing it from ending up in landfills or being evacuated by sewers.

The US $ 580 system is currently available for US $ 380 online if pre-ordered before the company begins shipping.

Nicolov said the company has increased sales over the past year, marketing the product to builders and developers in particular. “The problem is, we’re a new product and building developers don’t like risk – they like products that already exist,” he says.

Nicolov said the builders told him, however, that they were looking for a product to replace the obsolete grinder in new homes.

A series of prototypes have been installed in homes around Victoria, and Nicolov is optimistic it’s only a matter of time before Sepura becomes a staple for new homes.

The unit can also be installed in older homes as an upgrade. Nicolov said it can be attached to any kitchen sink and does not require custom construction.

The company, which has five employees across British Columbia, begins ramping up large-scale manufacturing of Sepura’s latest model at a plant in Ohio.

Nicolov expects them to start shipping before the end of the fiscal first quarter in 2021.

“It’s been a ton of work but it’s super exciting,” he says.

“I can’t wait to hear people’s reactions.”

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