TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Video of the debate between the residents and the director of Kalibata City Apartment, in South Jakarta, on social networks.
The video is broadcast via WhatsApp and social media groups.
One of them posted a Facebook account, Nono Noger, in the information institute group of Makassar City, Thursday (17/08/2018). ).
In the video, a woman was angry and claimed that the director had eaten the flag of Merah Putih that she had installed on the balcony.
The woman also charged, the manager had broken into his residential unit.
"My unit was intercepted with the director to remove the flag.It is not true, my person put the red and white flag," said the woman.
Beside the woman there was also a man in a black shirt who was also angry.
"If I am in the unit, I will not allow anyone to take my flag off," she said.
"What makes the problem is not us, the citizens, but the managers. Here we are dealing with residents," said the woman.
The woman also asked why the red and white flag that he had installed had been removed by the manager.
The video caught the public's attention.
Meanwhile, according to Kalibata City Building Supervisor Harry Martono, the incident took place at 1:00 pm, with his team receiving a report from the safety officer about the presence of the red and white flag in the building. balcony of the Damar tower.
After being controlled by a security officer named Agung, the flag would have been installed on the 12th floor of the CF.
Then, the manager and the security officer go to the residential unit in accordance with the procedure, which is to knock on the door and say hello.
In unity, the director met a middle-aged woman.
The manager also explained the call for the installation of flags on the balcony to move in the park.
In addition, the manager also requested permission to enter the unit to check and it turned out that the flag had been installed on the balcony.
"I'll release him later," the woman said after being encouraged to place a flag in the park.
Seeing the mother, the manager also offered help to release the flag.
"Please, sir," replied the mother.
After being released and folded, the flag was then handed over to the mother.
The manager was also grateful and apologized for the inconvenience suffered by the mother.
After the incident, around 13:40, a mother named Nyimas (40) came to the lobby of the Damar Tower and asked who would release the flag.
The manager also tried to explain to Ms. Nyimas, but a man then came and asked what were the problems.
Harry then explained the same thing as explained to Ms. Nyimas's parents, but Ms. Nyimas did not agree.
The situation then becomes unfavorable.
Then Harry went to the security checkpoint to coordinate and finally an agreement was reached, the flag would be installed at his original location.
The flag was installed by the supervisor and security guard and Mrs. Nyimas accompanied by Ibu Sabina, the head of the RT.
After installing the flag, the leader apologizes and excuses the unit.
Watch the video above! (Tribun-Video.com/Vika Widiastuti).
KO Tanggal Update nya bareng Sama yg saya Update ya /
kok banyak kali lah pelarangan pengibaran bendera di Hari istimewa, apa Jangan_Jangan Musuh Dalam Selimut telah bertebaran?
Kok kurang ajar sih,,bendera qt gak boleh di cepot dihari yg istimewa kok cari gara2 diproses tolong pak polisi,,
Polisi mana polisi. NkRiharga mati. Jgn sampai polisi melempem ngurusin hal ini
Berak! Posting sana sini mau tenar? Biji! Bendera Merah Putih jangan jadi bahan buat kalian semua biji! Management apartement Kalibata memang gak profesional, tapi jangan posting berita busuk-busuk kayak gini. Kepentingannya apa? Di apartemen anda ikuti aturan yang ada disitu, plus bereskan kewajibanmu. Ada aturan disitu, jangan kau pasang apa yang bukan hak mu disitu… banyak aturannya BIJI! JADI JANGAN MAIN VIDEO AJA… KALAU ORANG TOLOL… TERBAKAR TAPI KALAU ORANG PINTAR KAYAK SAYA, KUAJARI KAU BIJI!
Maksudnya apa mencopot bendera merah putih.lo ada di indonesia broooo bkn di amrik brooo turun broooo
Anjingggg. Merah putih di copot..!! Wajar orang2 itu marah
Itu yg mencopot bendera merah putih sudah bisa dipastikan kader PKS simpatisan HTI.
Harus diproses…bubarkan PKS.
Pecat.. tangkap dan proses hukum Isak sang GM=Kalibata city! dia yg memerintahkan pelarangan pasang bendera! sang Customr srvice dan Security hanya menjalankan perintah. Isak juga yg memerintahkan pembiaran prostitusi dan narkoba di Kalibata City. Usir Isak-sang GM dari Kalibata city….atau warga akan bergerak bersama2 ormas, Aparat keamanan jgn diam saja..atau menunggu pengaduan warga. pencopotan bendera…jelas2 penghinaan atas simbol2 negara. bila tidak ada tindakan tegas dari apaear…Hellooo…Pak Jokowi…helloo Kapolri..negara tidak hadir yaa…ketika simbol negara dilecehkan si Cina2 ini ??
Pak Tito…Pak Jokowi… Helllooowww…please hadirlah negara disini…!! masalah pelarangan dan pencopotan bendera ini…jelas2 sudah pelecehan terhadap simbol negara..!! bisakah bapak2 trn tangan utk mslh ini…jajaran aparat dibawah bapak…sepertinya gk bisa mnyelesaikan masalah…atau mngkin sdh "dibeli" oleh Pengelola. klo bpk presiden /kapolri tdk trn tgn dan mnyelesaikan masalah ini…..mungkin benar #2019 ganti presiden
Kenapa jdi begitu,,kita kan Bangsa indonesia knapa,,.Lambang Negara kita sedang Berkibar Tuk Membuktikan Simbul Negara di Copot siihh,..Apa yg nyopot itu sdah gk mau jdi Warga Bangsa indonesia,,.???…
Ni anti NKRI harus di hukum
PKI masih ada kyk nya
kibarkan bendera pki atau opm papua kayaknya gak bakal dilarang .. dilindungi pemerintah sekarang soalnya ..
Proses pelakunya spy jelas maksud & tujuan nya..
asing anjing tuhh,,,
Terus para satpam kok Siam saja tugasnya APA ya
Tangkap itu yg menurunkan ..buangg itu hukumm seberat2nya
Tuh orang ga tau adat.
Wah gawat
Harusnya tuh dihukum. Coba orang luar yg ngebalik bendera. Langsung protes kmna2. Nah ini yg nyopot orang sendiri. Hukum tuh. Tanpa pandang bulu. Rumah gue aja tak pasang banyak bendera + hiasan lampu. Anjing tuh yg nyopot.
Polisi mana….? Cepat turun tangan…!
Mungkin,,,ganguan jiwa yg mencopot,,,,,indonesia tetap indonesia.
usut tuntas..merusak nama bgsa…kita bangga sebagai bangsa nkri..bendera negara merah putih…
Yang nyopot pendukung khilafah
Ini keturunan cina mah nggak apa2,, coba kalo dia keturunan arab pasti deh di cap radikal anti pancasila anti nkri,,, padahal mereka waktu pilgub dki mereka ngaku paling pancasila paling bineka tunggal ika lho,,, cebong mana nih suaranya
Siapa dia sebenarnya. Sudah punya usaha di INDONESIA dan tinggal di INDONESIA masih melecehkan bendera INDONESIA. Bendera itu sudah diperjuangkan dgn darah dan nyawa oleh para pejuang2 dahulu, eeh saat ini ada orang yg berani mencopot bendera MERAH PUTIH.
Usir saja dari bumi INDONESIA kalau berani dan menyuruh mencopot bendara MERAH PUTIH dan jangan tinggal di sini.
Wah ulah ulah cina ini. Makanya pemimpin klo plonga plongo gk tegas ya gini ini bahkan bendera kita d anggap mainan semuanya gara" pemimpin yg kurang berwibawaa
Ayo viralkan guys..org indonesia tgl d indonesia cari makn d indonesia tp ga mnghormati bendera indonesia..
jangan jangan dia hti