Reckless Viral Video of Silawan High School Students I Climb the Flag at Apple's 73rd Anniversary


BeritaKupang_Joni, 14 years old, 7th year of I Silawan High School, Belu District, NTT, desperately risked her life for climbing a 26-meter mast after breaking the Indonesian flag on Motaain Beach.

Her heroic action was immediately viral and garnered praise from various parties.

The video of Jonny's heroic action taken by a number of residents was enjoyed by a number of parties.




21 thoughts on “Reckless Viral Video of Silawan High School Students I Climb the Flag at Apple's 73rd Anniversary”

  1. Benih benih pahlawan telah mengalir di dalam jiwamu adek.. Rasa nasionalismenya tidak bisa di ragukan lagi semoga kelak engkau bisa membawa merah putih terus berkibar di dunia internasional…

  2. saluutttt buat adik kita yg satu ini…keberanianmu patut di hargai, biar kecil tpi keberanianya sgt luar biasa, smgtnya utk tetap melihat MERAH PUTIH berkibar mengalahkan rasa takutnya…BRAVO buat adik Joni

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