View vaccination rates for schools in the Dayton area


Every year, the Dayton Daily News creates the only public database of vaccination rates in schools.

The database shows that, while vaccination rates remain high in Ohio, there are pockets of low immunization rates in some grades of Kindergarten, Seventh and Twelfth grades.

SEARCH DATA: How many children are vaccinated in your school?

These data provide useful information for public health officials and parents, particularly when the return of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles in some parts of the United States is significant.

This Thursday, more than 200 students and staff from two Los Angeles universities were quarantined as they may have been exposed to measles and have not been vaccinated or can not verify that they have been vaccinated. they are immune.

There is no case in Ohio, although the number of measles cases in the United States has reached its highest rate in 25 years, with nearly 700 confirmed cases. This includes outbreaks in the neighboring states of Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky.


Ohio struggles to vaccinate students

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Associated Press contributed to this report.


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