What is the hepatitis virus? Well, the hepatitis virus invades the liver cells and causes inflammation in the liver tissue. There are five known hepatitis viruses – hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E, which have all presentations, symptoms and severity slightly different. Find more videos on
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Hamilelerde hepatit E, önemli !! Fulminant hepatit… Pediatride sormuştu bi hoca
Viral hepatitlerde ALT daha yüksek! ViraL —> ALT
When I will finish med school I will make sure to mention you in my graduation speech
Make another vid on tx
where is treatment ?
not hep D is UNIQUE ITHNIK u are so unique your explanation is FAb bro! and thank you
I am super happy to find you !! You are awesome ! Keep going
what about the genetic material of various types ??
I've enjoyed it to the fullest.Thank's osmo!
Wow, that was such an amazing explanation, thank you ?
Dang! Whoa!
I didn’t really get the treatment of hepatitis a and b
Have I been summoned?
I love your videos so simple but yet so informative! They're lifesaving during the exam season….Big thumbs up and thanks for all your good work
Thanks alot!!!!helped me study clearly.the diagrams u made…made it easier to remember….
Wanna take my pathology exam for me ?
Keep on the good job! But I think there is mistake! Hepatitis C is linked to hepatocellular CA, rather than hepatitis B and in the video you mentioned the reverse, please note that and replay to me if possible.
जिस प्रिय भाई को हेपेटाइटिस B है और उसका हेपेटाइटिस B नेगेटिव नही हो रहा है वो दिये गये नम्बर पर सम्पर्क करे
These videos have helped me a lot with pathology knowledge for course. Cheers Osmosis team
Who else fucker a hooker here hhaha
very nicely explained