Viral !! Pigs give birth to a human child


This time, the public was shocked by the birth of a baby pig. who looks like a human being does not know where this information has come from. According to reports, this incident occurred in Asia, precisely in Thailand.

This little pig really looks like a human, from the shape of his body as the foot of the navel, but his nose looks like a pig with a nose protruding like a pig.

This pig also has a little hair on his back. It was seen from the video that we showed that the baby pig was really living and grinding his body like a baby.
Whether this information is correct or not depends on who you judge it …



27 thoughts on “Viral !! Pigs give birth to a human child”

  1. ini bukan berita hoax . itu nyata hubungan manusia dan hewan itu sama tetapi berbeda cara dengan manusia itu karena adanya wujud ya nenek moyang kita yang telah meninggal dan dilahirkan menjadi hewan . .maaf kalau kata mata saya sangat menyingung atau tidak wajar semogga para buddha memaafkan

  2. Saya pernah baca artikel bahwa sel sperma manusia tdk bisa menghamili hewan. Sel sperma manusia hanya bisa mengenali sel telur manusia juga. Begitupun sebaliknya sperma hewan tdk bisa mengenali sel telur manusia.
    Ini asli hoax pengen cari tenar aja.
    Terpujilah Tuhan Allah maha kuasa yg menciptakan manusia menurut gambar rupa-Nya.
    Sangat berdosalah orang yg membuat hoax ini dan secara sudah menghina Sang Pencipta.

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