Viral Police Attraction – Enter Mr Eko! & # 39;


Social media was cluttered with a video showing the action of a police officer throwing things and shouting "Enter Mr. Eko!".

The liberated objects were more and more present.

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32 thoughts on “Viral Police Attraction – Enter Mr Eko! & # 39;”

  1. Nambah klarifikasi…???. Kata kata "Masuk Pak Eko" di buat dan di populerkan oleh Cak Percil ketika pentas bersama Dalang Eko Prisdianto. Beliau beliau ini berasal dari Jawa Timur. Semoga bermanfaat…???.
    Cak Percil… Pak Eko… Njenengan semakin menasional dan mendunia…?????. Semoga membawa keberkahan….??????????????????

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