Viral video 2 children wearing bride sitting in the wedding dress at Tapin South Kalimantan, early marriage?


Viral Video 2 Children dressed in the bride sitting on the wedding dress at Tapin South Kalimantan, Early Marriage?

A post on early marriage in Tapin, South Kalimantan makes an internet surfer excited in cyberspace.

In one picture, two children wearing wedding clothes.

A boy is wearing a suit.
While a girl is wearing a wedding dress.

Two of these boys were seen serving photos with friends present at the event.

The photo became crowded after downloading Yuni Rusmini's Instagram account on Friday 13/07/2018.

The marriage took place between a boy with the first A (13 years old) and a girl with a first I (14 years old).




33 thoughts on “Viral video 2 children wearing bride sitting in the wedding dress at Tapin South Kalimantan, early marriage?”

  1. Alhamdulillah, ALLAH S.W.T. telah menyelamatkan mereka dari perzinahan, semoga rumah tangganya sakinah mawadah wa rahmah dan senantiasa di dalam limpahan rizqi yag halalan thayyiban mubarakan dari ALLAH S.W.T. Aamiin.

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