Viral video note behind Al Qur`an


Viral video note behind Al Qur`an

The 43-second video is uploaded to the instagram reaction account. The video shows four delivery sheets of the Elteha expedition to the Izzah PS shop on Jalan Raya Manding in front of the Pamolokan gas station, Sumenep Madura.

Sender's address written Elteha on Jalan Mastrip 14 Blitar. With shipping receipt number NO AWB: BLT 011291875.

And now this case has been handled by the local police.
Hope this case is studied thoroughly …


Fb: qchunkz bray

Videos from groups of independent bands that I download as a review only if you like to buy a tape or Cdnya to get the best quality of music video you like. And to support Band Band indie in order to continue working.



26 thoughts on “Viral video note behind Al Qur`an”

  1. Parah nih. Jangan lupa subs balik ya kawan. Semoga sukses dan para youtuber yang lain silakan mampir ke channelku lalu tinggalkan komentar supaya saya bisa subscribe balik. Terima kasih

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