Viral, video of a police officer persecuting women and young children suspected of stealing in the mini-market


Viral video showing police persecuting women and young children suspected of stealing from the minimarket market

WASPADA.CO.ID – An alleged video showing a policeman mistreating a woman and a young child on social media allegedly took place at one of Pangkalpinang's mini-markets in Babel.
In the video, a man wearing an orange shirt with a police tag kicked a woman suspected of stealing from a supermarket.

"Take him to the car, shut him up," said the person in a high, annoyed tone.

In addition, the man also seized the woman who was allegedly stealing this 200 000 Rp milk using her sandals.

While in the video, the woman asked for forgiveness: "Do not be sir, my God," he said, crying. After striking the two women, the man who was also the owner of the supermarket did not hesitate to slap a boy suspected of being a gang of milk thieves.

The head of public relations of the Babylonian police, AKBP, Abdul Mun & im, confirmed that one of the officers of the Babylonian regional police had been beaten against a thief allegedly committed by a mother at the supermarket Y de Jl Selindung City of Pangkalpinang, Wednesday, June 11, 2018 around 19:00 WIB.

"At that time, a shopkeeper (wearing a police t-shirt) saw the robbery in his store, and thieves were then asked to commit violent and viral acts on social networks," he told Pangkalpinang here Thursday. . 18) night

According to Kabid, at that time, the Y store employee had reported the theft to the Pangkalpinang District Police for the fingerprinting process and a mother suspected of theft was in the process of Examine the Satreskrim of the Pangkalpinang Regional Police.

"With regard to the person being investigated, the store owner (with the words police) is the author of the article." The Babylonian Bidpropam police conducted by the Propam leader was conducting an investigation and coordinating the Pangkalpinang regional police, "Mun said.

He explained that the authors of the initials DS, AT and AR (DS children) had stolen from Y's mini-market April Mart, owned by Y, as the deputy head of the Babylon police's Ditpamobvit sub-directorate. The aggressor took the items in the mini-market in the form of 2 cans of chil child milk, 1 can of BMT milk, 4 packets of glass noodles, 1 can of Friesian liquid milk, 1 bottle Hilo milk and 1 blue floral shawl.

"The robbery occurred at a loss of Rp.600.000, due to the incident where the victim reported the robbery to the SPKT Pangkalpinang district police for a new fingerprinting", indicated Mun & # 39; im.

Meanwhile, the Pangkalpinang regional police chief, Satreskrim, said that AKP Saleh had immediately secured three people suspected of robbery after receiving a report.

"We only receive reports of robberies, there are two mothers and a child and we asked for information.For the beating, just ask Propam directly," he said.

"They are not conspirators, based on the authors' confessions, they are forced to do so, and the evidence in the form of children's milk and others," said Saleh.



48 thoughts on “Viral, video of a police officer persecuting women and young children suspected of stealing in the mini-market”

  1. Yg nyuri Milyaran aja gak ditendang kok, ini cuman susu, ya memang tetap aja mencuri ad hukumnya, tapi yg melakukan ini penegak hukum…Tolong jaga citra kepolisian Harap Pak Tito Karnapian jgn meneng bae…

  2. Wah wah wah gagah skali bpk polisi satu ini .
    Apakah krna dia brpakian POLISI trus bsa sprti itu .
    Negara kita kan negara hukum kmna hukum negara ini klo polisi nya nnti kya gni .
    Yg seharusnya mengayomi malah main hakim sendiri …

  3. Si anjing… mini market lu hasil dr korupsi duit rakyat. Trus diambil ama rakyat miskin yg terpaksa melakukan karna keadaan ekonomi yg timpang akibat prilalu koruptif pejabat termasuk aparat.
    Jd loe sbg polisi mesti NGACA!!! baru diambil snack2 di mini market taik loe itu, dah main tangan. Otak lu ga ada. Ga ngerti azaz praduga tidak bersalah. Masuk polisi mungkin loe NYOGOK dulunya. Dasar tua2 bangka!! Moga2 lu dipecat!


  5. Tidak selayaknya seorang ibu di perlakukan seperti itu..biarkan polwan yang melakukan tugasnya..
    Ingat 1 hal dalam hidup anda pak .istri dan ibu bapak adalah seorang perempuan..wahai penegak Hukum di negeri Ini tegakkan lah keadilanmu demi kedamian dunia..

  6. Pecat dgn tidak hormat dan proses hukum… memberikan contoh yg kurang baik untuk citra kepolisian. Apalagi beliau mengerti hukum tidak sepatut nya…apalagi memukul anak2 dan org yg sudah tidak berdaya.. bapak mau seadainya anak dan istri anda di perlakukan seperti itu? Asli sedih melihat nya

  7. Gara2 oknum 1 orang hancur wibawa polisi yg baik walopun salah ngk boleh main hakim bukan kah hukum panglima tertingi inilah yg membuat rakyat salah sangka terhadap peNegak hukum gila ni oknum ko bisa seperti ini ya

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